Monday, March 23, 2020

Great Mail Day, Progress and “Free Time”

       Saturday was a really good mail day. I got a NaMoPaiMo prize! And it was a super fantastic one! I have the medallion from this year, whose name I can't remember for some reason, and I got a great set of earth pigments! I think this is like, every horse color or something! This particular prize was donated by Jerri Tedford and I nearly purcashed one of these sets myself! I'm glad I didn't. So now I need to pick out some micros and minis that are all prepped and waiting, get some base coats on and get to pasteling! I totally want to do "makeup" on a horse! I think I will be at least fairly good at pasteling. I do a lot of blending of pigments when I do makeup.
     Travis also got a package on Saturday. It was drumsticks from his drum teacher at school! What a cool gift! We don't have practice pads or anything, but in drum lab they drum on all sorts of things. So I gave him a box for now. We also got on a really wild Google Hangouts yesterday with the teacher and a whole bunch of the students! It is really fantastic that even with social distancing we can still see people. Though one on one video chatting is way easier than with 36 people on at the same time!
     Saturday was also mini food sculpting day. I made a bunch of HUGE chocolate chip cookies, some french fries, chicken strips and pretzels. I didn't make any cotton candy, but I might get a chance to try that before the end of the week. We'll see what happens. 
      Saturday I also pulled out my ANCIENT GameCube and asked Ethan to help me hook it up to the TV. Or at least try to. I said the new TV would probably laugh at me! But it worked and I played Resident Evil for awhile. I have not played a video game in years! I liked it. I still wish I could play the SIMS 4, but unless I order a new laptop or something, that is not going to happen. 
      So Saturday was a pretty good day with some work and some different use of free time. I also read a bit. I was proud of myself for doing things that were not work of some kind. If the weather ever gets nice I may spend a bunch of time out in the yard reading. I need some vitamin D!

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