Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Walk by the River and Other Stories

     The other day we had fairly decent weather. So after supper, Ethan, Travis and I went to walk by the river. The River Walk runs behind the old mills in town. There are some really sketchy looking buildings along with the nicer path. And there was this gem of a ruin, with the graffiti that amused Ethan a lot. In case you can't see it, it says "God Bless, stop tagging". Which really is sort of ridiculous since it's spray painted on. The walk was nice anyway. And my Fitbit didn't hate me that day. 
      I have been slowly, and sometimes more quickly, plugging away at making things for my live sale. I got a small pile of doll clothes sewn. These may be for the last dolls I make for this particular sale. I will have to see how I feel when I get them done and what kind of time I have left. 
      We had one kind of bad day of homeschool for Travis, but then the next day was great again. He got right into work and worked and worked and didn't even want to take any breaks. It was fantastic! I am also really glad I invested in the kid safe scissors. He cut out his set of animal fact cards perfectly. And no fingers were cut (or nearly cut) in the making of these animal cards. Now that I have them, I think I need some more cutting and gluing activities. And we really need some good weather so we can go outside and have "P.E" again. I got an email that Special Olympics has officially canceled all of their everything until June. So no track at all for Travis. The season for everything track ends in June. Looks like we may have to go to LHS and run on the track. So far our state does not have a shelter-in-place order. And if we need to, we can do sprints in the yard again. We'll make it work. 
       Speaking of work, I am doing a pretty good job of getting things done. I got a lot done on a casual western doll, a western pleasure doll and a little bit more done on another western pleasure doll. I also have a hunt seat doll that needs to get finished. But I still have a bit of time. Not a lot, but a bit. One more week until my live sale! I need to start working on backwards numbers and so on. I still have a lot I need to do. 
     So I am doing pretty well. I have people that I really want to hug, that I currently can't hug, and that is the hardest thing. But I can video chat with people, and that is an excellent time! For some reason I find it way more fun than a regular phone call. I did my short(ish) little live video on Facebook. Even though I couldn't see people, I got to chat with hobby people, which is always a fun time. I would say maybe I could live stream some doll work, but I have no idea how I could possibly set it up to actually film what I was doing AND see comments. If anyone knows how I can set that up and make it work, I'd be willing to try. 

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