Friday, March 13, 2020


       We had an IEP meeting for Travis the other day. We met his new teacher, who seems nice and also reasonable. She seems to have a good amount of experience and has expanded some of Travis's goals. Nothing major changed and the meeting was fairly smooth. We talked about the issue with the bus monitor not being in his IEP and got that taken care of. The bus company was asking why he needed a monitor, since he has been so good for so long now. I said that it is a safety issue. If there is an accident or something happens to the driver, Travis may not recognize the need to call for help, let alone know how to get on the radio and do it. Besides, you don't get car insurance just because something happened. You get car insurance and hope you never need it. Travis's monitor, and his paras during the day, are the same. Just insurance. 
      I got in a new color of Color Street nail strips and had to try them out right away. It is a silver set with multicolored micro glitter. Or maybe sort of iridescent. Either way, I super love this polish! I am also getting faster and faster putting on the nail strips. Which is awesome. I love things that save time. 
     Right before Travis's meeting started the music teacher came in and said that the class was practicing on the stage for Spartanum, the variety show. We got to go see a tiny bit of it, and that was a super cool way to start a meeting! Sadly though, I got a call from the superintendent saying that as a precaution all events that brought the public together, of over 50 people, including Spartanum, have been canceled. They will be filming the show (they are putting it on this afternoon for staff and students) and we should be able to see the video. So that is something, The same night I also got an email from my superintendent saying that all field trips are canceled and, for now, other scheduled extracurricular activities will still happen. For now. The situation keeps changing. I am going to go out again this weekend and see if maybe gloves are in stock anywhere. I have some, but I use them for my hair and cleaning, always have, and having more than a couple pair is good. 
     I have managed bits of doll work this week, though have forgotten to take photos for the most part. I think I am going to settle on 2:00 pm EST for my live sale on March 28. It will be a live video on my Facebook studio page (Field of Dolls Studio). Most items will be retail, but there will be some discounted items and I will have prizes and extra discounts for trivia and shares, similar to how I did it for the Black Friday sale. I am getting excited for my sale!

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