Saturday, March 14, 2020

Now I’m a Homeschool Mom

       Yesterday was supposed to be the first of two nights of Spartanum, East Longmeadow High School's variety show. But they canceled it as a precaution. They decided to put it on during the day for students and staff. This is Mr. Mackey, Travis's drum teacher, who danced with him on stage. 

      Mrs. Pauwee, Travis's teacher, sent me these photos. It was a really exciting part of my day! Clearly, Travis is not nervous, just hanging out onstage with his friends. 
     He did also get into the dancing some. These pictures really made my day! A bit after this I also received a video. It was wonderful and Travis really did get into it a bit. He did a great job and it was fantastic to be able to see it. I wish I could share the video, but I can't save it from the app (seesaw is a communication app between home and school). I am proud of what Travis did. And he definitely seemed to have a good time!
     Right at the end of the school day I got a text from Travis's bus monitor asking if I heard that his school was going to be closed for 2 weeks. I told her no, I hadn't been told that yet. Then I got a message from Mrs. Pauwee saying she was sending home some worksheets for while they were off. I said I hadn't heard they were off. She said I would get a phone call. And we did, Ethan was listening when I got home. They are off until right after my birthday. But since I had the info from Julie before I left school, I let Anna, the secretary know that I would not be in for the next two weeks, even if we were open. Travis is going to be home and he needs supervision. So I guess I am going to be a homeschool mom. There is no reason for him to sit around for two weeks doing nothing. So we will work on school work some, find educational websites to play around on and make sure we are not just super lazy. I have to work (on dolls) and he has to work on something. So I will be a homeschool mom. I talked to his para and she told me his schedule they go through. That should help make everything smoother I think. 
      I went to Big Y because we needed a few things, plus purple trash bags (they are the town trash bags) and I discovered there is no toilet paper at all on the shelves. Good thing I don't need any. Anyway, I got what I needed, saw a couple of people I work with, and had a chat with one of them. I told him East Longmeadow was closed so I would need to be home and said I'd see him in awhile. And I came home and worked on dolls. 
     After supper I thought it would be a good idea to check my school email, which I try really hard not to do when I am not working. But I figured if there were updates they would be in that email. And I was not wrong. We got this from the superintendent:

Dear LPS Students, Families, and Staff,
This is a communication I had hoped never to have to send.  After careful review of current information relative to COVID-19, and in consultation with superintendents and officials from across the state, I have made the decision that the Ludlow Public School District will be closed at the end of the school day starting Friday, March 13, 2020 through Sunday, March 29, 2020. Additionally, all outside group activities, athletics and school events are canceled during this period as well. There will be no access to our schools for the public.  
While there are no known instances of exposure or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Ludlow Public Schools, our school closure plan has been put into effect to proactively mitigate the possible contraction of COVID-19. While we are closed, I will provide updates as needed to keep you informed in the event that circumstances change.
We will utilize this opportunity to ensure the buildings receive a thorough cleaning so that they are prepared for students and staff upon their return.  Students receiving free or reduced lunch will receive communication in regards to how to access to food services and meals during this period of time when schools are closed.
While out of school students are encouraged, but not required, to engage in academic activities that continue to promote learning. We will be providing a list of possible resources for families to explore. It is our hope that families set aside time each day to engage in learning activities in an effort to support a smooth return to school on March 30.
Finally, the closure of our schools means that the school year, based on the Commissioner’s declaration, will end on Friday, June 19, 2020. LPS students and staff will only need to make up three additional days in June in order to reach our maximum number of days of 185.
As I stated in my previous communication, I truly hope that we look back in June and feel that these steps were unnecessary. I recognize the hardship and disruption to daily life that these action will create. However, it is my firm belief that these actions are essential to ensure the safety of our kids, our staff and our community.

Todd Gazda
Superintendent LPS

      I was SO happy to see that the kids who get free and reduced lunch will still have access to meals! Some of those kids only get to eat at school. It's a bit surprising they are also canceling sports, they were keeping those in place before. It makes sense, crowds of people squashed together, even outside, might not be the best idea. 
      So I am home for at least the next two weeks and that will give me some extra time to work on dolls and prep for my live sale. As of right now I have 10 completed dolls and a variety of other items. I am hoping I can get 4-6 more dolls finished. And I might find time to make some miniature food. So I will think of what to make and get into that, search for educational websites to find more things to do with Travis and I will continue to not be gross. Because people are gross and the schools are gross. But now they will get a deep cleaning and hopefully soon we won't have to worry about coronavirus and maybe it will just go away, or be less dangerous or more treatable. I am just going to keep calm and make dolls. 

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