Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nicer Weather

     I'm kind of bad at free time. For years I have been trying to get as much done in a day as I can. When I was exclusively a doll maker full time (so, before I was a para) I had to spend a lot of time searching for materials, concentrating on the work and semi-panicking that I would not have enough money to pay bills and buy more doll making supplies. So the result was I was sort of always working. 
      I was reading random posts on Facebook the other day and was reminded of the SIMS 4. I have that game. And I love that game. I also have not played it in years because I never seem to have time. I also have an ancient Gamecube and Resident Evil. Which I also love. And also have not played in years. I have no clue if I can even hook up the gamecube to the new TV. But I want to find out. Why am I so bad at free time? I don't even seem to be finding time to read these days. That's just crazy. 
     And on that note, let's talk about work! My plan for finishing up the saddlebags was to work on them in the laundromat on Tuesday. Because I pretty much have always worked in the laundromat. But with COVID-19, social distancing, and the fact that I doubt they clean the couches in there (and eww) I decided hanging out in the laundromat was not the best idea. But I still needed to wash clothes, so I went and washed clothes. I did chat with a woman in there and got a hot tip that there were actually eggs at Big Y (which we needed) and I thanked her and went and got some. I also talked to the owner (from a proper social distance, no fist bumps this time) and he said his friend has chickens and he will get me eggs. We are not in crisis, I am way too good at saving money (most of the time) to be in huge financial distress, but it was really nice of him. 
     So even though I was not hanging out in the laundromat, I did work on saddlebags, just at home. I have been struggling with getting the glue to actually hold the velcro on so I pinned everything while the glue was drying. That seemed to work much better. 
    Tuesday I did manage to finish up the last 5 sets of saddlebags I had in the works. Now I have a total of 10 sets ready for my live sale on the 28th. 
      While I was digging through the bag of saddlebag making supplies I did also find some of the little miniatures I used to make to fill the saddlebags. But you know what? They take a long time to make. And either I include them and charge a ton for saddlebags and no one buys them, or I include them and I make no money and it's a complete waste of my time, or I make empty bags (other than the bottles of water) and can still sell the bags at a reasonable price and not lose money on them. Which is the option I chose. I do have a few sets of these miniatures that I put together. Which will also be available at my live sale. 
      I really enjoyed helping Travis with his reading comprehension assignment about the first time on an airplane. He did have a little trouble with one of the questions (it was not actually IN the story) but the rest he didn't really need any guidance with. And that always makes me happy. 
      We had an extra long school day on Wednesday actually. First we went outside and Facetimed with Travis's para for a bit (better reception outside and the sun was out) and then for some reason we did sprints in the yard for awhile. After we got too tired we stopped and went for a walk down the street. We came in and worked on different pieces of school work and baked blueberry muffins. Travis helped me by reading the recipe, measuring, mixing, putting the muffin papers in the pans, and sampling our work when it was done. 

     After that he washed some dishes. When the dishes were finished (I helped) we went and read How the Grinch Stole Christmas together. But it was definitely a longer than usual school day for us. And I was tired and had a bit of a nap before I did any doll work. 
      I am quickly running out of time to prep for my live sale. I have 4 more dolls in the works, and that may be the last that I do. I still have at least one more round of sculpting miniature food. I need to print out my backwards numbers and I need to work on getting some trivia questions together. I do still have kind of a lot to do. But I should also make sure to take a day to do a bit of nothing. Or play video games. 

1 comment:

  1. I Love those minis! Water bottles, i-phones, even a poncho pack. Amazing. And congrats on having caring neighbors. That is just about the best thing to have.
