Monday, March 16, 2020

Playing With Numbers

      The other day I did a bit of math. My school day is 6 hours long. I get there about 45 minutes before the day starts. I also get up early to get packed and ready to go and get Travis packed and ready to go. But we'll call it 7 hours a day (even though it is more). LHS and ELHS are closed for the next 2 weeks. So 10 school days. That is 70 hours I have all of a sudden gained of "free time". So I did some more math to figure out what to do with it. I plan on sleeping more. Likely not for an extra 7 hours a day, but let's call it 2 hours a day for a total of 20 hours over the 10 school days. I also have Travis's homeschool day planned out. It is not going to be a crazy full day, I am not THAT patient, and he is not used to Mom teaching him school things. But I figure it will be about an hour and a half of school each day for a total of 15 hours of school over the 10 days. So now I have accounted for 35 of the hours I gained. So what should I do with those extra hours?
       One thing I decided I needed to do was make some bread. I have not made bread in a long time. I did find the easiest, least complicated low carb bread recipe that I could, but it was good. I used this recipe for keto white bread from the hungry elephant. I love the hungry elephant. Most of the recipes are insanely quick and easy to throw together. And anyone that does keto/low carb knows so many recipes are super complicated. This bread took me maybe 5 minutes to whip up and then 22 minutes in the oven and it was perfect.  
     While the bread was baking I put some matte finish on these popcorn boxes, though I did decide later to use packing tape over them. But I got these started. I do want to have at least a small stock of fair food at my live sale. I may get around to doing that. I seem to have some extra time now. 
      The bread turned out really well and it felt a little bit naughty to eat it. I have to be super careful about everything I send to school with Travis. Not only does he have dietary restrictions but he also has classmates with food allergies. So this bread made with almond flour and whey protein that we ate with peanut butter felt a bit naughty. I also have a piece with butter and it was awesome. I may end up doing some more baking in the next couple of weeks. I can probably squeeze in time for that. Plus, Travis has cooking goals in his IEP. We can spend a bit of time working on cooking. 
      I was really hoping to get the saddle seat doll finished, but the motivation for that apparently was not there. I got her boots done and part of her head haired and then I decided that was enough for right then. It happens. Some days I really have a hard time talking myself into doll work. And I am not overly into saddle seat dolls. There are just so many steps to making them. The coats have a ton of pieces, so putting them together takes longer. The coats them need lining and collars. The dolls need vests and ties, or in this case a bow tie. I have to make a hat. I will be happy to finish up this doll. And then I can try to figure out what else to make. I still have some time.
      While I didn't make much progress on the saddle seat doll I did make 6 little tubs of popcorn to add to my live sale stock. Maybe on another day I can make at least some burgers and hot dogs. Maybe some cotton candy. I have never made that before, but it sounds like a fun idea. We will see what I manage to get done. Ooh, maybe french fries as well. Those are always a good idea!
      So bits of doll related work got done, even though I did very little on the actual doll. I made some bread and everyone enjoyed it. I even had some leisure time with a book. And I still have lots of time. 

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