Sunday, March 15, 2020

Work and Not Work

      If I was more motivated, I would get more work done. But I am not all that motivated. I am not doing too badly, but I want to do nothing. Or read. Or watch TV. Or play with makeup. I don't necessarily want to work on dolls. If I could work on dolls while I was at school not doing anything, I would likely get a lot more work done, lol! But I can't do that. Clearly, I also wrote this post before they closed the schools. I thought about just totally scrapping it, but there are some things I still want to talk about, so I guess I will edit...

      So working has been a bit slow and struggly for me, but really, it pretty much always is. I do go through phases where I get a ton of stuff done in a relatively short amount of time. Then I crash and don't want to do anything for awhile. At least I have retrained my brain to be OK with the times I just can't make the work happen. And the job at the school, even though it's supremely boring because I am not needed a lot of the time, does pay me regularly. At least at the moment. Now that school is closed I am not sure I am getting paid. I'm assuming probably, since this was not me voluntarily missing work. We'll see. Because of the regular paycheck the times when I have a hard time getting any doll work done are not nearly as frantic as they used to be. And I have been doing a bit of work. The other day I got most of this driving doll done. I think she wants a small hat, after she gets a head of course, maybe some feathers and bling. And gloves and possibly a necklace and a sparkly brooch. She looks really drab to me in this photo, but in person I think she looks fairly classy. But I love bling, so she will probably get some! She really does need a head most of all I think...
       There has been a lot of talk about hand sanitizer being sold out everywhere and price gouging on Amazon. The English teacher I work with was saying his wife has been trying to find some for her classroom, and of course can't. He gave me the recipe to make it yourself, but aloe is sold out as well! That is pretty frustrating. I am still on the hunt because my niece wants it. With the handful of little ones from Bath and Body Works I got last weekend, I am more than set for my personal hand sanitizing needs. Especially since I prefer hand washing (but I also work in a school, and it's gross). Now I will likely have hand sanitizer forever, since I don't use it at home and I am not longer going to work. At least for now. 
     I decided when I got home from school the first thing I needed to do was dremel a bunch of dolls, because I basically hate doing it. That and sewing, I am not really a fan. Funny isn't it? I don't much like sewing and that is what I partially do for a living. But sewing tiny clothes can be frustrating. And I can't just sit down at my machine and get to work. I have to take it out of the closet and set it up and I am already unmotivated. Anyway, I got 6 more dolls prepped and I got to the end of one big bag of dolls from my stash. I made sure to super stock up when I knew KC's Galloping Gals was not going to have dolls available for awhile. I think I still have a big gallon zipper bag or two left. I need to look into that. I hope they have dolls again soon. And helmets. I would love to not have to make helmets anymore. 

     I decided that after getting the dolls dremeled I would go to Walmart. I usually end up going every weekend because we run out of things, or they didn't have them the last time I was there. Plus I get a lot of food there because it is often cheaper. I thought it would be a good idea to try going to the store during the week, in the early(ish) afternoon. I might find things. Or at least there would be less people. 
     I was right about the less people, but that might not be just because of the day of the week. There is not exactly a lot of things left to buy. This was the hand sanitizer shelves. 
     And this was part of the toilet paper isle. There were a lot of people in the isle and I didn't want to have them in the pic (I find that rude) so I just got part of one of the lower shelves. All of them are sort of like this. Conveniently, they did have a small section of the exact brand and package size of toilet paper I buy. And I'll admit, I did laugh a bit at that. So I bought one package because I am fully aware how much TP my family typically uses. Even if we end up quarantined for a couple of weeks we will be more than all set. Still no surgical gloves and now there are almost no cleaning products to be had. The Clorox wipes I got last week seem like a hot commodity now. I have them in my car and I did bring one in to wipe down the shopping cart handle. Because Walmart is gross. 
     So there had been talk that the schools might shut down and all day on Friday kids just wanted to talk about the coronavirus. First period I had to explain to one of my girls that she was most likely going to be just fine, even if she got sick. I said she needed to be clean to protect older people and people with immune issues. I said, just keep washing your hands, sanitize in between when you don't have a chance to wash, cough and sneeze into your elbow. Just be a little extra cautious, and try not to panic, because panicking is not good for you. I do understand why she is worried. The public is gross. People are selfish. If they feel OK, or even just not awful, they will go out when they are sick. Plus she works at a Dunkin Donuts so she has to handle money. Which is super gross. 
     So for now I have no job to go to, but that gives me more time at home to get things done. I will wash my hands, just the same as I always have, and occasionally use a bit of hand sanitizer or a disinfecting wipe if I need to go out. Because people are gross. And while I am not in a particularly at risk group for Coronavirus to be fatal, even if I catch it, I would like to be able to visit my parents. So I need to not get sick. I hope everyone is taking a few extra, reasonable precautions and thinking about everyone around them. People ARE gross, but if we all try just a little bit harder, we can be a little less gross. And that will be good for us all. 

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