Friday, April 3, 2020

Bits and Pieces

      I have been getting bits and pieces of things done for part of the week. I worked on dremeling a bunch of dolls, which resulted in me being covered in bits of red plastic. But I have a big chunk of finished dolls now, ready for dressing, and that is good. I also cut out and sewed a bunch of doll clothes. 
     Travis and I baked a Kentucky Butter Cake, which came out of The Hungry Elephant cookbook. It was so good! I am not sure what the next thing we bake will be. But the butter cake is definitely on the make again list. 
     I got some more masks sewn and I still have some prepped. I need to make some more. I need to prep for more as well. It's never ending. 
     Some of the COVID-19 news I have been hearing is making me feel sick. Like literally, I sometimes feel pukey. I know that is not a fun thing to read about, but it's true. We are doing what we can and staying home as much as possible. We are very careful when we go out, but still, you never know who may have been a place before you and may think this is not that big of a deal, so are not being careful. That sucks.
     But usually I try for happy thoughts. We are doing OK and we are doing our part. Most days ar pretty good, but some days I am not even really sure what to do. It's a weird struggle. I think I'll just make more masks. 

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