Thursday, April 2, 2020

Work, Repairs and Finding Treasure in the Closet

      If this isn't your first day here, you know I love makeup. I love the artistry of it and trying new things. It makes me happy to apply it and it makes me happy every time I see a look I have created. We all need some little moments of happy these days. It's a weird world we are living in. To go on that theme, I got a new palette the other day. It's the Jeffree Star Cosmetics alien palette. This was a limited edition palette and was sold out everywhere. I have been selling things on Mercari and I found this palette on there. Brand new, still in the original packaging and still wrapped in the tissue paper from the factory. This was a good find. The colors are fun and the palette is pretty cool looking. 
      The color I was most excited for was "alien" which is a glittery lime green color. Though I love most of the colors in this palette, I had to dive into that one first. I actually have, I think, 4 different colors on here. The green got a little muted with the blending, but it is intense and incredibly fun! I have been putting my eyeshadows over a white eyeshadow primer. It does really excellent things for the looks. 
      For a couple of days it had crossed my mind to check out our box of medical stuff to see if, by chance, we had any alcohol. We keep most of the regularly used stuff in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, but for years I have had a box of extras. Replacements for our commonly used items, and some items that would be less likely to be used, but would be good to have in an emergency. So I poked around in there and found treasures! A whole, unopened bottle of 91% alcohol AND a baby bottle of hand sanitizer. I have been trying to find both of these items for weeks in stores (mostly online recently) with no luck. And I just happened to already have them. *Note to self* when stores start to get back to normal, restock the medical box properly. 
     The handle on my laundry basket has been threatening to break off for a few weeks now. Tuesday it gave up and snapped off. I still went and did the laundry, but without that handle there was not a good way to hold the basket. It was uncomfortable and awkward. Who knew that one little bit of plastic, or lack of a bit of plastic, could cause so many issues. So I asked Ethan if he could take out some of the plastic in the way and add a dowel or something to make a new handle. What I got was a super fancy new handle! This acrylic rod fits in perfectly between the plastic supports that are still on the basket, so it won't be sliding left or right. The zip ties hold it in place, so it should not be going anywhere. And it definitely will be impossible for it to get mixed up with anyone else's basket!
       We still have school every day, though it is sometimes a struggle. I don't lesson plan so we sort of wing it each day. But it is going pretty well. If nothing else Travis is getting some work done so he should at least be keeping up his skills. And it's good to have something to do each day. 
      Between laundry, school, video chatting with Travis's teacher and hiking, I had less time to work on dolls than would have been ideal. I should not be feeling like I need to hurry-hurry and get things done and shipped. But I do sort of feel that way. I have a handful of dolls that I need to make that were ordered during the live sale. I have a couple of dolls that need to be made that were ordered before the live sale. And Breyerfest is coming. I need to work on dolls for that. Now, here is the funny thing (funny weird, but maybe funny ha ha). I am for sure prepping for Breyerfest. If Breyerfest happens in Kentucky, with everyone gathering like normal, I will send dolls and things with a friend. If Breyerfest does not happen in Kentucky with everyone gathering like normal, I will have a live sale. I also want to have a live sale for small stuff, since people seemed very into the idea when I proposed it. I sort of want to have the small stuff sale sort of *soon*. But soon is relative. 
     So here is the question of the day. I know people want miniature food, so that will definitely be part of the small stuff sale. I know people want the stuff that goes into the saddlebags, but I am not making that anymore. It is a pain to make, takes a ton of time, and basically just ends up being a huge waste of my time. Though... if I am making the sets separately, it might work out. It doesn't work out to make the stuff to go in the saddlebags and include it with the saddlebags. At that point I have basically made no money at all for quite a lot of frustration. BUT, maybe I can make some separate sets. No promises, but maybe. What else should I offer? I can make saddle pads and maybe horse boots and... what do you guys want? Let me know, I'll see what I can do. And if there are specific types of food let me know and I will see if I can swing it. 

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