Thursday, May 28, 2020


      The world is a very strange place right now. Some states are fully open and Massachusetts is starting to slowly open up. But things are still strange. In a Zoom classes near the beginning of the closures one of my seniors said that he was supposed to be starting baseball. It was supposed to be his year to try to break records, get some stats collected for college, etc. He felt cheated out of that. I get that. Last year, a bit later than now, but around this time, we have track. This year they cut unified track but my fight to get it back was going well. But at least last year Travis had that. He had the chance to compete at the regular meets, sectionals and finals. 
     He didn't get cheated out of his senior year team experience (since I decided last year he would be a senior and "graduate" with his class, even though he will stay in school until he is 22). I feel badly for the kids that missed out on their last year of their sport. 

I got to see Travis in his graduation gown.

I got to have my picture taken with him. 
       And I got to see him sitting (mostly) with the other graduates during senior farewell. Right after this I donated his gown to the school for anyone that needed a gown this year and could not afford one. I was not going to make Travis walk in the graduation. I thought he would hate it, not the walking part, but all the sitting and waiting. I made the really tough decision not to make him do it. And I still felt a bit cheated.
     A really good friend brought his tall son's gown to the track banquet so Travis could wear it and take photos with his friends. I was still a bit sad but I really got a lot. I got a lot more than so many parents and students are getting this year.
     The LHS graduating class of 2020 is full of kids I have known since they started high school, since I started at the high school. I don't get to see them graduate. But worse, they don't get that experience. LHS is working on other ideas so the kids get something, but it's not the same. That is what I thought last year when I got to see Travis in his gown and got to see him participate in some of the senior events, it was not the same. I really did feel a bit cheated. But it was my choice. No one got that this year and it really sucks. 


  1. Travis looks so handsome. Congratulations.

  2. As the mother of a graduating senior, it's been a mixed bag. I like the yard signs and graduation car parades, and the various "Adopt a Senior" programs on Facebook are a fun way to let the community spoil your kid. I do wish James could have gone to his prom, mostly because I wanted pictures. Same for a traditional graduation. I really would have loved to have seen his gang of friends together in their caps and gowns. James' girlfriend was the valedictorian, and she should have had the opportunity to make her speech. So yeah, I totally get the cheated feelings.
