Friday, May 29, 2020

Drive Thru Graduation

       Yesterday I talked about how it seemed like the senior class of 2020 kind of got cheated in a lot of ways. I still think that but I also think that there has been some really creative things that have come together to honor the seniors and their accomplishment. Last night Ludlow High School had a drive thru graduation parade. It is a bit different than some I have heard about, because it was not the actual graduation, just a parade on what should have been graduation day. We have 2 parking lots and these were the balloons that were on either side of the front lot when you first drove in. 
      There was socially distant visiting from colleagues that have not seen each other (except in video conferences) in months. 
I got a socially distant selfie with my friend Angelique. 

        We were asked to decorate our cars, so I did a bit. 
And others did a bit.
And a lot of the seniors came through in decorated cars.
There was even a Ludlow Lion in a mask.
The parade started with a police escort. 
     And then car after car of seniors, sometimes with their families, came through. 
So many of the kids had decorated their cars.
     And I saw so many kids hanging out of sunroofs. 
     Then there was several jeep/car/truckloads of not socially distant graduates. We cheered for them anyway. 
And the principal brought up the rear of the parade and thanked all of us for coming. 
      One dad on the way by yelled out the window that we did such a great job. So many of the kids were super emotional (as is usual for graduation). Several people said how fun it was. And it was fun. It was a bit like senior walkthrough without the hugs. And with all the kids in cars. 
      So while this was far from traditional and was probably not ideal, it was a really fun way to honor the seniors and get to see them all again (or most of them) one last time. I'm gonna miss so many of those kids. 
     Tomorrow we will talk about doll stuff again. 

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