Saturday, May 16, 2020

Cross Country Kits Are Coming!

      For my Not going to Breyerfest room 511 sale, I am working on not only dolls but lots and lots of cross country vests. I do have other things planned as well, but so far I have dolls and vests in the works. I have 22 of them planned and in the works. I have been making good progress. The other day I finally got the velcro in all of them. I had to set up a new color wheel. 
     And then I thought I'd try them out in a line. I think all the colors look really fantastic all lined up! I thought I had a photo of some of my work on the pinnies, but I seem to have not actually taken that photo. I got all of the pinny pieces cut out and have some of the numbers printed and applied. I also ran out of printer ink, so I need to wait for more to arrive to print more numbers. But the vests are well underway!
      I also decided I needed to make Travis a mask of his own. Massachusetts is mandatory for masks after all, so he should have one even if we just go out walking around town. He needs to have one in case we run into other people. When I asked him recently if he would wear a mask, he said no. So I figured I would make him something he would like and see if that worked. I wanted Batman or Spiderman, but there was none. I got this cool Toy Story fabric, which is another Favorite of Travis's, and I made him the mask. I brought it to him, while I was holding one of mine, and asked him what it was. He told me "mask" and I asked if he wanted it. He said yes right away! I thought I would have to model mine and talk him into trying it, but I was wrong. I helped him put it on and he seems plenty happy with it. He went to show Dad and didn't seem to mind it at all. I told him he couldn't just hang out with it (it would likely get lost in his room) but he put it on and didn't seem to mind it at all. I call that a win. 
     Every time I start to think that maybe everyone has masks I find that more people have a need. I should just keep on sewing. I made a bunch more when I made the Toy Story one, and I have more in the works. I picked up some more fabrics so I have other options as well. While I don't love wearing masks, I don't at all mind doing my part, and I DO love that we can wear some cool patterns! I have a new horse mask (new print!) and some coffee cup fabric (needs washing). I definitely do love the variety. 

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