Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Little Rider Doll Making Challenge

     Recently Beth Peart Weekes contacted me on Facebook and asked if I wanted to help out with The Little Rider Doll Making Challenge. It is similar to NaMoPaiMo and the tack making challenge (I know there are other challenges as well) and a doll making challenge sounds fun! I asked Beth what I would need to do and mostly she needed a moderator and a cheerleader. I'm pretty good at cheerleading. And I have a little bit of experience with making dolls, lol. 
     I told Beth that I can definitely help people by posting photos of the "ugly stage" of doll making. Every type of art goes through an ugly stage. That stage where you are far enough along that you can sort of see what you want the end result to be, but you are still so far from the end that it looks SO BAD and you kind of want to stop. I have made so many dolls at this point that I don't much notice the ugly stage unless I think about it. But there are actually several of them. One of the first stages of a doll is dremel work. I need to make sure that I take off bits and pieces of the dolls that will help the clothing fit better. 
     In the case of a Breyer youth doll, the ugly stage is very extreme! I hate Breyer youth dolls and I have hated that they really are too big to be children. Sure, they can be older children, but what about those cute little pony kids? So I take the dolls apart, and then take off a bit more... and eventually I will put the doll back together, though there will not be a lot of the Breyer left. Crap, I forgot to take the boobs off this doll. Oh well, next round. 
     I have not yet decided if I want to join the doll making challenge myself. I can definitely finish a doll in less than a month. But I have years and years of practice. Maybe I will join and make my parade doll I was talking about. I don't know what else I need/want/have to have. I'll have to think on it. I have a little bit of time to decide. The challenge starts June 1st!

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