Saturday, May 9, 2020

Happy Birthday Elecktra!

       22 years ago yesterday, I was in the hospital freaking out because I had just been told I was going to have my baby anywhere from in the next 24 hours to the next 2 weeks. I was not due for another 7 weeks. It seemed like a good enough reason to freak out. It turns out that my girl, who was due on Father's Day, decided I needed a Mother's Day. And right then! Elecktra was born on May 9th, 1998. Mother's Day was the next day. She was the best Mother's Day gift I ever got. This photo (which I cropped out of a group photo) was taken on February 15th of this year. Me, Elecktra, Travis, Ethan and Peter (Elecktra's boyfriend) had just completed a Treasure Island escape room. This may have been the last time I got to be this close to Elecktra. Can you tell that I miss her? Video chatting, texting and phone calls help, but it's not the same as a hug. Or a selfie. My selfie-with-people collection is getting to be so empty. Hmm, we may have had one game night after this...
       You all know very well I could fill this posts with pictures of Elecktra. Tiny Elecktra in the NICU, Elecktra as a little girl, gorgeous prom photos and a million selfies. I love this girl so much. My mini-me. Even though I switched to contacts, have funny colored hair and have been having fun with wild makeup, there is no denying that Elecktra is my daughter. And how did she get to be 22 years old? That probably makes me kind of old, but I refuse to believe that. 
      So even though we still can't be together, I think I'll raise a glass to Elecktra. My amazing daughter who is enough like me that it is fun and different enough that it's not irritating. Happy birthday!!!


  1. And to think I once confused her with electrum. I wasn't so far off: a mix of gold and silver could easily be called shining and bright. :)

  2. Happy birthday to Elecktra! This is also my wedding anniversary and my favorite horse's birthday. A good day all around.

  3. Happy Birthday, and Happy Mother's Day! I had Mountain Mama Jessica on Thanksgiving so you and I are both holiday mamas! :)
