Friday, May 8, 2020

Vests in Every Color!

     When I did my birthday live sale, I had 14 cross country vests, in a large variety of colors. For my Breyerfest live sale I wanted to have even more. So I started out with every color I had (not including earth tones) and then I ordered several more colors (not shown). In the end, I will have 22 cross country kits for my Breyerfest live sale. I really should call it something else, lol. 
      I spent a couple of days putting the backing on all of the vests that had previously had the padding put in. I broke down all of the steps into days, and figured with all the things I needed to get done I had about a week of work ahead of me to finish up these sets. It's important to note that I don't work on these all day, just one chunk of the process at a time. 
      Though the other day I was watching a series on Disney+ about the lost treasures of Egypt and I just kept on going. I got the backing put into all of the vests and I got the Velcro into about half of them. I would have kept going but I ran out of Velcro. I always seem to be running out of something these days. I did also go on and cut out, pad, and put the backing on 4 more vests. I forgot to take a photo, but I have some nice colors. I have a bright sky blue, a very nice pale pink (not rose, proper pink), gray and red. I can't wait to get them all put together and get a nice color wheel photos!
    So speaking of Breyerfest, I got the show packet for the open show. And now I am excited again. There is no cross entering limit this year, just class limits. I have to deal with a 2 entry limit in performance at pretty much every live show I have ever been to. So that is not a big deal. Now I need to decide which horses to show in which classes. And I need to decide which entries I want to put together. It's exciting!
     Breyer is also taunting me with talk of the virtual 5K. I did the virtual 5K years ago, but it wasn't exciting in any way. I paid my entry and I got a T-shirt. I don't even remember if I went out and did a 5K or not. But this year, with everything being virtual for everyone, there is the option of competing for prizes with different apps used for tracking runs. I like that idea! So now I am waffling. I don't know if I want to do it or not. 3 (and a bit) miles is not that far. My usual walk around town (which I have not done in awhile) is about 5 miles. I can do the walk, as a walk, in about an hour. 2 miles less, with maybe some running...well crap, I am intrigued. But I don't know if I want to run on July 12th, at any time of day! But I really am thinking about it. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info on the 5K. I was planning to actually run here,... until I was sidelined by injury. Hoping to heal up in time. Meantime I hadn't really thought about virtual options....! Intrigued is right.
