Saturday, May 30, 2020

More Miniatures!

     Blogger is changing its format. I hate it so much. They took away the words and put little icons. Did people really forget how to read and they need the little icons? I have to hover over them to figure out what everything is. The photos don't seem to want to load or move easily now. It's supposed to be easier to use on mobile devices, but I upload my photos from mobile and then do the rest of the post on the Chromebook. Currently the new format does not seem to work well on any device. I am definitely not a fan just yet.
     Anyway, I have been working away on all the things. I have a new (to me) student I can try to help for the last few weeks of school. I really hope I can make a difference. With the current way the grades are done there is no reason everyone should not pass. Though if they do not understand the work, I am sure it is a struggle. Hopefully this will all work out. 
     The other day I had a good mail day. I got a bunch more things in for my miniatures sale and a bunch of things that are for live sale prizes and for my own use. I do love days like that. 

     As previously mentioned, I want to get 2-3 dolls finisher per week for the next 6 weeks. I want to get 4 sets of saddlebags finished each week, for for weeks and then 5 pairs of chaps a week finished each week for the last 3 weeks before my live sale. Currently though I have no sets of saddlebags finished (and I am on week 2) but I have a lot in the works. 
     I actually have all 16 sets of bags in the works. They are at several stages of doneness. I have bags that are bag shaped and done, other than velcro. I have bags that are bag shaped but don't yet have pockets. I have have bags that are not ironed yet.
     Currently though, all of the bags that have been ironed have also been glued and had the linings put in. I only have 3 sets of bags left to iron, I have 9 sets that need the pockets put in and one more piece of lining. Then 13 sets need velcro, water bottle holders and so on and so on. So I have no idea if I am on schedule or behind on things since I am not working in the way I laid out the plan, lol. But I feel like I am probably at least on schedule. I found another small piece of the fabric I use for the front pockets on the bags so I can hopefully get some more of those done soon. And my piece of tulle, which should work, should be here soon. I may be able to get all 13 sets of bags pretty much done within the next day or two. Which would definitely put me ahead of schedule. For now though, I will just wonder if I am doing enough every day. 
     Part of why I hate this new blogger format is I cannot get this photo to move. I guess once everything is published only I can tell it is out of place. But it bugs me. Anyway, I finished up this showmanship doll so technically I am done with my doll quota for the week. Though I would rather get 3 done than just 2, at least until I am to a point where I really only NEED to get two finished a week to get to my goal. I just don't want to fall short. I do like reaching goals. 

     In other news, I have a new horse mask I made for myself and I added bling to it. Because it's me. I am hoping that it looks awesome in the sun and that the crystals stay on through the wash. You just never know.
     We've been doing a lot of work on the house and things are definitely improving. Though opening things up and finding rotten stuff and so much mold is making me feel like crap. I am super congested! But things are getting safer, nicer and clean. Which is definitely good. We have some current goals in mind and then we need to consider where to go with things next. But stuff is happening all over the place, and it's awesome. Only 3 more weeks of school. That will also free up some more time for all the things. I will have to give Travis the passwords to all the educational sites. He definitely loves to learn!

p.s. On the new blogger format I can't figure out how to change the font. And I really hate Times New Roman :( 


  1. I really dislike the new blogger format, too. I do know how to change the font and took some screenshots. I'll PM you on Messenger.

  2. I'm not looking forward to the new blogger at all, but unlike you I haven't been brave enough to give it a test run. I suspect it might throw me off my blogging schedule until I get used to it though.

  3. I put bling on my mask too, silver ikandis of course. I've only hand washed it so far.
