Saturday, June 13, 2020

6 Dolls, 22 More Days

     I was incredibly efficient this week. I had my plan to make 2 dolls (at least) and finish up 3 sets of saddlebags for my live sale. I also had an order for a couple of casual English dolls. I thought that I might be able to finish the 3 sets of bags, and all 4 dolls, if I really tried. It turns out I was right. The casual dolls are not overly complex, so that helped. But not only did I have to bake some new helmets but I had to cover one and paint one. Also not super time consuming, but not as quick as just baking them and popping them out of the mold. I am thinking I might make a couple more basic, plain casual english dolls. I do have 20 cross country kits in different colors after all. 
     I also got this cowboy doll finished. He is taller than the Breyer guys or the Type S guy, so the chaps for those guys won't fit on him. I made a new pattern for this larger size of chaps. This guy will come with his chaps and I will have at least a couple/few pairs of chaps in this larger size at my sale. The next 3 weeks my plan, other than dolls, is chaps. 
     This week I was very efficient. I managed to finish the 3 sets of saddlebags I set out to finish, I made 4 dolls and drafted a new chaps pattern. My goal is just 2 dolls per week and 5 pairs of chaps. I think I can likely make 3-4 dolls a week without hurting myself too much. So then it gets me to wondering... if I get 3 dolls done a week, I will reach my goal a week early. Should I take that extra week and make nothing and just get the last minute stuff done? Should I see if I can fit the last minute stuff (trivia, finding prizes, numbering things) into the next two weeks and then just take a week off before the sale? What do people do with free time? I have one week of school left and then I am done until whenever we go back. Well, other than starting a reduced schedule of a summer program for Travis in July. A lot of stuff is still closed so I don't know if there are any places to go. Maybe I will just sit in the yard with a book and an iced coffee. And try not to get a sunburn. 

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