Friday, June 12, 2020

Props and Micros

      I have been doing a lot of work with Travis with money. Counting money, in all sorts of combinations, with the eventual goal of teaching him to count back change. I know a lot of adults that don't possess that skill, but it is an excellent skill to have. About a week ago I got a package of highly realistic prop money. I have always felt that learning is easier if you have either the real thing, or as close to the real thing as possible. The $10 I spent on this set of 140 realistic bills was totally worth it! Mostly I have had Travis counting coins. He's quite good at it, though at times he needs to be reminded of things. Counting by 5's, 10's, or even 100's is a skill that kids usually acquire when they are little. But counting by 20's? When would you really use that other than when you are counting money. So I made Travis a chart, gave him a stack of realistically crumpled bills (they come immaculate, I modified them, lol) and set him to counting. Sometimes I would add some and sometimes I would take some away. When he got on a video chat with his teacher he demonstrated his new skill for her. If anyone is as fascinated by super realistic bills as I am, you can get them here
     Today is technically the last day of school for Travis. I told his teacher I was opting out of the remote learning for the summer program. Becky is an amazing woman though and she is adding a bunch of lessons to my two favorite sites (that only she has control over) so I have new work for Travis over the summer. And she told me to text or email her if I need anything. I think that is great. We are definitely going to do at least some more work over the summer, especially with money, but we will also have a break. I don't give breaks during school (school is also not as long with me) so having a shorter week with maybe fewer lessons, will be nice. And we can get out and enjoy the summer. 
        I am a huge fan of Morgen Kilbourn's work. I have owned many horses she has sculpted over the years. A lot of times I use them for performance, or that is my plan when I get them, but I have been super into most of her micros. I loved the Ranch Mare when she came out. I had one, she was gorgeous, and I showed her some. She was also long and sort of a shelf hog and I have limited space. So I sadly sold my Ranch mare. I managed to snag one of the first 8 3D prints of Crouton, who is the micro Ranch Mare. I am over the moon excited over this tiny horse! I will probably also get one when they come out in curio scale. 
     I have been working away on dolls this week and I actually made a lot of progress. I am right on schedule for my live sale, which will be July 5th at 2:00pm on my studio page on Facebook. I am debating whether or not to make a few extra dolls, or maybe do some saddle pads to match the dolls I have made, or maybe just take more time off. So far I am right on schedule, but I can likely get more done in a week than I have planned out. I am not sure yet what to do. I guess I could see if I can finish up the NOT Breyerfest stock and then start on stock for the miniatures sale. That might be an idea. 

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