Saturday, June 20, 2020

Almost There

    I am really excited for my miniatures sale. I know that my NOT Breyerfest sale is coming up first, and the miniatures sale is not until August, but most of the things I ordered are finally arriving. Some of the stuff that finally arrived I ordered way back at the beginning of April. I was hoping it would actually arrive on time, some of the delivery estimates have been iffy. One of the very first things I had to do was take a picture of a doll holding one of the ice cream cones. I think they are perfect!
     Besides ice cream cones I have a couple of different kinds of pastries, apples and pizza. I have a big list of miniatures I plan to make myself, but I know how much people like miniatures, and having a large variety all in one place should be a lot of fun! Plus you won't have to wait months for the different items to trickle in. I have done all the waiting for you. 
        I also recently bought a new horse. This is Purdy Zippin Chick, who I bought from Sara Bowman. I am really looking forward to playing with this horse. Now I just need to find the time.
      Not only do I finally have almost all of the miniatures I ordered but I am also getting close to my doll goal for my NOT Breyerfest sale. I got these two ladies finished this week which brings me up to 27 finished dolls. I am really pleased with my progress. I'm almost there!
     I know a lot of you are concerned because the other day I said my hands hurt. And they do. Some of that is because I have been working a lot. Some of it is I have been doing a lot of heavy lifting because of the home repairs. Some of it, according to my doctor, is because I am old. He doesn't really say I'm old, and insists he can't because he has over 20 years on me, but he has suggested some of it is from age. Super. When I am working on dolls I have no pain at all. Hairing heads gets to be a bit uncomfortable if I do a lot of them at once, but it is sort of awkward positions. Anyway, I promise I will stop working on the house just as soon as I can, lol. And I am planning to take a doll break soon too. I am still not totally sure what I will do. I wish I had a pool. 

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