Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chaps are Happening

     It's not just dolls I have planned for my NOT Breyerfest live sale on July 5th. I also have cross country kits, saddlebags (and saddlebag stuff) and chaps planned. Most of the other items were already finished but I needed to get to some chaps. Thursday was the day I got a chance to start in on those.
      So far I am only working on cutting chaps, those seem more popular than chinks, though I may also make some chinks if time allows. I will have 3 sizes of cutting chaps available; ladies, mens, and large mens. The large mens chaps are made to fit the basketball player dolls. It's funny, I have to slightly adjust all of my mens patterns to fit that doll, but I had to draft a whole new chaps pattern to fit him! I guess the length of the jeans (pattern) is very generous already. Chaps are more precise.
     I am far enough ahead in my plan at this point that IF I can keep being as efficient as I have been the last couple of weeks I may also make some saddle pads. Possibly just a few that would go well with the dolls I have made. But I haven't decided just yet. I have 2 weeks left to get things ready for my sale and so far it is looking good. We'll have to see what the next couple of weeks have in store for me. 
      So a reminder because I have said the date but not the time a lot. My NOT Breyerfest live sale will be on Sunday, July 5th at 2:00 pm EST on my studio page on Facebook, Field of Dolls Studio- Custom Dolls by Anne Field. The morning of the sale I will publish a blog post with a catalog of what I will have available at the sale, with prices. That will give blog readers a chance to think about what they want to try for ahead of time. The numbers for the dolls will not be visible, to give everyone an equal chance at them. I will also, as usual, publish the most current total of completed dolls for trivia.

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