Monday, June 8, 2020

Artist Unlocked

     Emily Martin of Frost Studios Equine Art has a new hobby show on Youtube, Artist Unlocked. I think this is a fantastic idea! Emily is interviewing model horse hobby artists from all aspects of the hobby and all abilities. She is an excellent interviewer and I think her series is going to be incredibly fun to watch. The Mares in Black interviewed her for episode #41 we also find out (spoiler!) that the Mares will be on Artist Unlocked. I am really looking forward to that!
    Episode 1 of Artist Unlocked is up on YouTube The first episode is about Harriotte Preston of Divine Justice Studios. It was a fantastic start to the series! Episodes will be dropping every Friday and I am excited for more! I guess I get to be on episode 2! So next Friday, June 12th is my episode. I had a ton of fun doing my interview with Emily.  I warned her from the start that I can talk, A LOT, and I was not wrong. I am interested to see how she can cut it down to a reasonable length. 
In case you want to check out Emilies work her Instagram is 
     I love the hobby entertainment that we have available. Not only showing (photo and live) but the Mares In Black Podcast and now Artist Unlocked. I know there are other hobby Youtubers and I feel like I need to get into those as well. 


  1. Interesting. Thanks for the link.

  2. I will definitely watch her show. Thank you for the link!

  3. Thank you so much for the post Anne! I'm so excited for your episode to drop tomorrow :) Appreciate all of the support!
