Sunday, June 7, 2020

Unexpected Miniatures

     I did exceptionally well getting stuff done last week. I have no idea how I did it. I made enough progress that I only need to make 2 dolls per week, for the next 4 weeks, to reach my goal of 30 dolls for my NOT Breyerfest sale! I am pretty excited about that! The last doll I finished up was this cross country lady. She has a bendy neck so she will be great for over fences.
     Are you ready for this? Since I was technically pretty far ahead of schedule, only needing to finish 3 more sets of saddlebags this week (and they are all at least started), I decided that I would in fact make some sets of the miniatures that go into the saddlebags. I was not planning on it, I don't love making them, but I will have some for sale. I got a whole bunch of cell phones, first aid kits and bags of trail mix done. I am working on folding the maps and I have the labels for the ponchos cut out. I will get there. I didn't make apples this time around, they take a really long time, but I do have clementines that I am going to put in this time. Other than that I need to make a bunch of hoof picks and I think that's it. So I am getting there on these. My hope is to finish these and the rest of the saddlebags this week. 

      Travis's birthday was yesterday so of course we had to do some fun stuff. We had homemade pizza.
    Cake and ice cream. 
     And of course, presents! These were actually the ones he got from his teacher on Friday. He also got a video from Alex, his para, that was really touching. She had all of his teachers and staff friends from his school send her video messages for his birthday and she put them all together for him. It was really sweet and I totally cried a little! We are going to find a time this coming week to meet up with Alex because she wants to see him and give him a birthday present. She also had a really cool poster made for his 20th birthday! 
     Elecktra was going to come over yesterday to visit and have a birthday party with us, but then it downpoured. We still need to social distance so we were going to hang out in the yard and visit. But then everything was too wet. So today she is going to come visit and I am very excited! I have not seen Elecktra in awhile. It should be a really great day!

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