Sunday, June 28, 2020

Dolls Are Done

     I did it. I finished 32 dolls for my NOT Breyerfest sale. I have a pretty good mix of dolls I think. A bunch of western pleasure dolls, and hunt seat dolls. I have casual western and casual English dolls. I have an upper level dressage doll, a showmanship doll, a couple of driving dolls, male and female dolls. Hopefully I have something for everyone. I am also super close to my 1400th doll. I think I now have just 3 more to do. But they will have to wait a bit.
     We got some more painting done and enjoyed some really lovely weather. Ethan made some pulled pork, which was excellent as usual, and I made coleslaw which was coleslaw. My Dad makes super fantastic coleslaw. I think I have actually made coleslaw twice so I don't really have any amazing recipe or anything. Maybe I should work on it. Ethan makes such amazing pulled pork and having mediocre coleslaw to go with it sort of sucks. 
      The other day Governor Baker released protocols for the start of the next school year. Everyone older than the second grade needs to wear a mask. All day. Desks need to be at least 3 feet apart and ideally 6 feet apart. We will need to continue to social distance, wash our hands when we get to school, before we eat and when we leave school. Hand sanitizer is going to be placed all over the school. I can see that turning into an issue in a hurry. Oh and students may need to eat in the classrooms. HOW is that supposed to work in high school? They barely have time to get through the lunchline when they sit in the cafeteria. How are they going to get their lunches, get back to the classrooms and be clean enough not to have a school totally infested with bugs? I am really not sure how that will all work out. And passing between classes... there is not really any way to social distance in the hallways. The article I read did say something about schools need to have 3 plans for fall. I don't know if this is just the idea we are going with now to get ready, or what. But if it is I have a feeling I will need to get back to sewing more masks. I personally have 3 that I rotate through. If this is an all day, every day thing, I am going to need more. Oh this sounds challenging. 

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