Saturday, June 27, 2020

Believe it or Not I Took it Easy

     I got a lot of work finished on Wednesday, even though I was not entirely sure what day of the week it was a lot of the time. I got some more customized heads painted and I finished up this casual western and casual hunt seat lady. They are doll #30 and #31 for my NOT Breyerfest live sale. I have one more in the works and then I think that is it for this time around. Last year I had 32 dolls for Breyerfest. When I saw that I was going to reach my original goal of 30 easily, I decided to add in a couple more. I don't have enough energy to add enough dolls to my list to get to 1400, but I will get there sometime after Breyerfest. After I have a break. 
     But it's not break time just yet! I also finished up a bunch of ladies cutting chaps. These have been worked on here and there for several days. I need to get 2 more pairs of chaps finished and I will have my full goal of 15 pairs of chaps. And I think that is enough. 
     So believe it or not, I really did take it easy. When I got up the day I finished all these things I had a very relaxing morning. I read a bit. Then I took a bit of a nap. I read some more and decided I wanted a bit more sleep. After awhile I decided I would paint the heads at the kitchen table. I can paint sitting on my bed, and I do it all the time, but it is easier at the table since I was doing full heads and not just painting faces. But once I was done with the painting I moved into my room and sat comfortably on my bed and watched movies and worked. It was pretty nice. My work is almost done, goals have almost been reached, and pretty soon I can just relax a lot. Sounds nice. I have no idea what I should do. 
     I am almost sure I am going to take the week off before my live sale and potentially after it as well. Though I will still work some because I will be doing invoicing and shipping. But I think that is basically my plan. A couple of weeks without any doll work. Maybe I will play with miniatures. Maybe I will not, I have no idea yet. But the real question is, if I am not working on dolls, what am I going to blog about?

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