Thursday, June 25, 2020

Just Keep Swimming

      It is getting closer and closer to my NOT Breyerfest live sale. I am excited and ready for the day to get here, but I am also not done getting ready yet. I need to keep on going. Sunday we did a lot of work on the house, and since it was Father's Day, I went and brought my Dad a cake and had a backyard visit for a little bit (as in, I stood at the bottom of the stairs and he stood inside and we chatted). It was a busy day, but I knew I had a busy week ahead of me so I got out the dremel and a bunch of doll bodies and got some prep work done. 
     Monday morning I started right in on cutting out clothes. I went from having 3 more to having 5 more dolls I want to get finished before July 5th. So Sunday I prepped 5 bodies and Monday I cut out and got 5 outfits sewn. Progress is being made.
      Monday also brought laundry day and working on more chaps in the car in between putting things in the machines. It was about 90 degrees on Monday, so even in the shade with all the windows and the sunroof open, it was a little bit warm. But it is a little bit warm everywhere when it is in the 90's. The humidity has been super low for Massachusetts, so it's not bad. I got 2 pairs of pleasure chaps made and 4 pairs of ladies cutting chaps traced out. Definitely making progress. 
      When I got home and finished defeating laundry mountain I started working on finishing a doll. I am excited to say that I managed it! This lovely lady will be available at my live sale (July 5th, 2 pm EST on my Facebook studio page). So now I just have 4 dolls left to reach my new goal. I still need to make/finish another 9 pairs of chaps, but I think I can. I am making pretty great progress. 
     In other show prep news I finally remembered to get a new package of paper lunch bags. I wrote up a page of trivia questions. Some are new, some are old. One I won't have the answer to until the morning of the sale (how many dolls have I made to date). I think I still have the write up of the basic rules written up, all of the finished saddlebags, cross country kits and chaps have numbers on them, as do the dolls. I am definitely making progress. I just need to keep swimming. 

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing about all the progress your making! I'm over here trying to find the energy to do something productive after working on the computer all day....
