Friday, June 26, 2020

We’ve Been Flocked!

     There has been so much going on around here. It has been really excellent not having to do any school work this week but it sure makes it even harder to know what day of the week it is. On Tuesday it felt like it was Friday. Wednesday felt like Sunday. I actually had to check my fitbit to see the date and then match it to the calendar to see what day it was. It's been tough. But even without being sure of what day it is I am doing OK.
     I have been customizing some more doll heads. My new Magic Sculpt came in (so quickly!) and has been a lot of fun to work with. I've tried for some different skin tones as well. 
      I didn't have a western pleasure doll in pink (how did that happen?) so I remedied that mistake. I really like how this doll came out. 
      Awhile back Ethan got a couple of pink flamingos for the yard (they are classic trailer decor after all, lol). They were hanging out in the hostas, but then they started disappearing. So he moved them to the front with the dogwood and the azaleas but then the 2 birds looked lonely to me. I asked Travis how many more flamingos I should get and he said 10. I said that was too many and he said 4. So I got 4 more. I could have gotten the 10 and I think it would have been fine. More may join the 6 we have. They are tacky and silly and I adore them! Also this front view is the finished product of some of our projects. We still have lots and lots to go, including some really important roof stuff we are waiting on good weather to get to. But this little piece is looking quite nice. 
      I am starting to run short on time to reach my goals for my NOT Breyerfest sale so I got back into making chaps. I was working on some at the beginning of the week at the laundromat and just kept on going with them. I still have some more I need to get to, but I am doing pretty well with things and I am pleased with my progress. 
      If I continue to be as efficient as I have been I will finish up my creative goals a week early. I am really considering doing nothing for the entire week before my sale. Well, I might work on starting to package things for the miniatures sale so I can see exactly what I have and figure out what I want to start making, but it might be nice to take the week off for the most part. Stranger things have happened after all. 

1 comment:

  1. The flamingo display is nice, but I think Travis was right -- you need more!
