Thursday, June 11, 2020

Midweek Update

     There are about 4 weeks left until my NOT Breyerfest live sale. In just 25 days I need to be finished all of my projects, have everything packaged up, numbered, prizes gathered, trivia figured out and paper lunch bags purchased. Because I wrecked some of my paper bags (though I can and will reuse most of them!) and I did not have enough last time. I would rather have too many than not enough for next time. I can always find a use for a paper lunch bag eventually after all. 
     This week I needed to finish up the last 3 sets of saddlebags. I did it, though I managed to lose another bag in the process. Not a whole one this time, and I didn't have it at all when I sat down to work, but I was still missing one of the already cut, ironed and glued black saddlebags. I couldn't find it and figured I could waste a lot of time searching for it, or I could just make a new one. Anyway, they are done and next week I will start on chaps. So far I am doing well staying on target with my goals!
    I also finished up this cowboy, who apparently got photographed from a weird angle. His body doesn't look to have the normal proportions they have in real life. But he is done and is 1 of 2 dolls that I need to finish this week to be on target. And the week is not over. I feel like I am doing pretty well. 
     Yesterday Travis and I went to meet up with Alex, Travis's para, for a socially distant visit in a park. She gave him a birthday gift (a squishy Spiderman he has not let out of his sight since he opened it) and we walked around for awhile and chatted. Travis wanted to run to the gazebo and Alex said she would race him. I was not in any kind of running mood but they had a good time. Travis does not get out to run nearly enough these days. And he sure is good at it. 
     Before we left Alex they got a socially distant selfie with their masks on. I am definitely looking forward to the day that social distancing isn't necessary anymore, but I do like how clever everyone is about it. And we still had an excellent time. We will have to get together for more visiting. And exercise. 
      I have a couple of English dolls in the works for an order and another cowboy. I think next week I will work on another male hunt seat doll and maybe a youth hunt seat doll. I think those will be the two official dolls I try to get done. If I have time and energy maybe I can squeeze in another one (or two). If I finish all my planned work early I can either do a few extra things or take a bit of a vacation. Lol, I somehow doubt the vacation will happen. But you never know. 


  1. I know that you are busy, but can you do a tutorial on how you put your dolls hair into a bun? I've tried on my doll and every time it comes out extremely messy. Thank you so much!

  2. You'll probably find that missing black saddlebag where you least expect it. In with food?
