Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Really Cute Doll

      My progress this week has been pretty great so far. I have several dolls in the works and have even managed to finish a couple. One that is still in the ugly stage is this dressage rider doll. And her ugly stage is not the worst thing ever. She needs her stock tie and cuffs, but then just her coat and finishing need to happen. I already have her head haired and her face painted. She won't take too long to finish up.
     Speaking of finishing, I managed to finish up this youth doll. I think she came out really cute. I still have some work to do this week to be on target for my NOT Breyerfest sale on July 5th, but I am doing pretty well so far. Depending on how much time I have today I might be able to finish up the dressage rider and the western doll I have in the works. That would be fantastic. 
      I'm sure part of the reason I had so much time to work on dolls yesterday was that we didn't do any work on the house. Ethan found the rubber mulch he has been looking for, in stock at one of the stores he went to. Every other home improvement center he would have had to order it. He couldn't pass up it being right there or the buy in bulk and save discount. I helped move some heavy stuff around the yard and spread some mulch, but there was not a lot of work that needed my help yesterday. So I got a lot of doll work done and forced Travis to spend a little bit of time outside. 
     I'm in a weird place with doll work mentally. I kind of want to get as much done as possible in the next two and a half weeks, but I kind of want to just reach my planned goal as quickly as possible and then stop and take a break. I am tired. My hands hurt. It may be from all of the doll work with work on the house on top of it. I don't usually notice except first thing when I wake up or when I try to lift something heavy and can't. I know I sort of also have the option of doing just 2 dolls and 5 pairs of chaps a week as planned and then nothing else (doll related) in the week. But I always am a little bit afraid that I won't reach my goal. It's good to have goals. 

1 comment:

  1. It's tough balancing being an artist, isn't it? You manage as well as any, but it's not for everyone. If soreness enters in that's a clear signal to rest.
