Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sometimes I Surprise Myself

     I have less than 3 weeks left until my NOT Breyerfest live sale and the pressure is on! I have everything I need to get done carefully planned out but I still have other things I need to do as well as make dolls. There is always something that needs doing after all. Yesterday I knew it was going to be an excellent weather day which meant we would need to get more work done on the house. Because of that I set my dolling goal to cutting out outfits and sewing. That was all I needed to get done, and potentially all I was going to get done. My student didn't show up for our Zoom class so I emailed several colleagues about a different student and then started to cut out clothes. I wanted to cut out and sew 4 outfits. It seemed like a reasonable amount. I don't think I can get all those dolls finished this week, but you never can tell.  

       Pretty much right after I finished cutting things out Ethan needed my help with the fixing. It was actually really excellent timing. We worked for awhile and then Ethan wanted to take a break and plan out how to do the next stuff. I said to let me know when he needed my help and I got out the sewing machine and got to work. I got almost one coat done and then went back out to help Ethan. All progress was good progress. 
      We got a good chunk of work done and things are looking pretty good. The work went fairly smoothly and we got to a point where we were done with what we were doing and the next step was really to get more material to do the next stuff. Ethan decided we would be done for the day. Things had gone really well and it was nice to end the house work on a good note. 
      So I came back in and got back into sewing. That all went well, and I still had a good chunk of time before dinner, so I decided to get into dressing one of the dolls. This guy had the most perfect hands to be an English rider! I was very excited for this doll. 

      I think he came out pretty well. These dolls have such great range of motion I am sure he will be an excellent rider. A lot of models could also really use a larger rider such as this guy. He will be available at my NOT Breyerfest live sale on July 5th. 

     One doll done for the week and it's only Tuesday. I think today I will work on the youth hunt seat doll. I have been trying to get myself to make one for a bit now, it would be good to follow through. I am hoping today will be another pleasant, productive day. 

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