Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Perfect Fabric

      Things are going well for me this week. I finished up the needed number of saddlebags on Sunday. I lost an entire finished bag, but then the next day I found it, finished the set, and that puts me definitely ahead of schedule, since that is next week's work. I have a nice variety of saddlebags and just 3 more sets to finish. And all of them are started. 
     Another thing I finished was a doll idea that I am not yet sure if I like or not. I wanted to make a second driving doll and I wanted to do a second showmanship doll so I decided to combine the 2. Changeable hats is a tricky prospect, but it's actually pretty easy to change a doll head. He driving apron comes off of course and her head can be switched to either the driving doll head or the western head. I am still not sure whether or not I like her. I sort of like the concept... but I have to think on it some more. I know, it seems like changeable hats would be simple. Driving hats really only stay on well if they are glued. So unless I can think of a different way to attach a hat I have two different heads. I also don't really love the hat. Which is another detail. I might need to tweak some things with this doll. 
    In much better news, I think I have finally found the ultimate fabric for doll breeches! The stuff I ordered from Califabrics seems to be pretty much perfect. It is thin, but not see-through. It's a good color and it doesn't run as easily as most thin fabrics I have used. And it is a one-way stretch. So I think I have finally found the perfect fabric. And I feel like I should order lots more because I am afraid of running out. Even though I currently have plenty of it. 
     So I finished a doll, but I might still turn her into just a showmanship doll, I have not decided yet. I am starting to lean that way. I might just make a different, separate driving doll. I do like the concept, I just don't really love the result. I have several other dolls in the works this week as well. I have a couple that are partially finished. It's supposed to rain today so we are most likely not doing any work on the house. I might be able to finish up my doll quota for the week, which would put me even more ahead of schedule. But we'll see how the day, and the weather, play out. 


  1. I like the idea of one doll with two looks too -- I'm sure you can make it work. Can we see a photo of her in her showmanship look? I'd also like to see how the heads pop on and off to see how easily that can be accomplished.

  2. So glad your fabric worked out! For what it's worth, my two cents is Get lots...
