Thursday, June 4, 2020

I Didn’t Give This Post a Title

     Most people know that when I make driving dolls it is because I really like making fancy hats. The most recent doll was interesting because she was a driving doll but also could be a showmanship doll. I really liked the concept. I didn't like the hat. So I made a new one. I like this hat. It's not overly fancy, but it's still elegant and fun. 
     I feel it improves the entire look of the doll. And now I like her. 

     I was also asked if I could show how to remove the heads. Well, it's hard to show in photos, but here we go. Wrap your hand around the head and basically hook your fingers under the chin and bun. It should be possible to do this without putting a ton of pressure on the sides of the hats. Then just pull straight up. The head should pop right off. When you go to put the other head on just line up the peg with the hole in the head and push down. It should go on fairly easily (I tested it). 
      Switching the head and taking off the apron turn your driving doll into a showmanship doll. Neither type of doll can really be used for tons of classes. So here is a way to make the doll a tiny bit more versatile. 
      My Maggie's Monthly Micro for May arrived yesterday. He's cute, but it's another I am not in love with. I think this one, last months and a couple of others will be for sale. 
      I realized yesterday that I was working on a whole bunch of English dolls all at once. Working in batches can be incredibly efficient. I like that. The one on the far left is going to be a cross country doll. The other 3 are all going to be more formal hunt seat dolls. Funny enough, they will all have navy coats. 
      The male rider was a bit of an experiment. I have never turned one of the Type-S guys into a hunt seat rider. They are really beefy and I was not sure how that would work out. But I put a bendy neck on him, adjusted some patterns, and he seems to have worked out fairly well. Both of these riders have bendy necks so they should work great for over fences or flat classes. 
      There are only about 2 and a half weeks left of school. All of a sudden I found some students who would like my help. They can't seem to answer the simple question of when they are available. I have the super vague answers of "any time". I don't think they really want to have a Zoom meeting at 9:30 in the morning, but that is time I probably have. A bit early for house work. Usually Travis is not up for school then. So I think they might get offered that time. And then I need to relearn some Algebra...


  1. That driving/western doll is so cool -- and thanks for the demo on head removal. It just occurred to me that I was never one of those kids who pulled the heads off dolls so I've never done such a thing before. Always good to learn a new skill ...!

  2. That pair of English dolls looks so like a married couple. It made me laugh.

    And yes, some kids haven't learned to pace themselves or set up appointment times. It's a learned skill.
