Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Baking Miniatures

      The work on the miniatures sale continues. I knew that I still had a lot I needed to do, including making miniatures, so I got into some more of that. Chocolate chip cookies and brownies got made, and a few dog treats. The dog treats are not perfect, and they definitely look like little homemade dog cookies. But they are kind of cute. I had saved the burgers and hot dogs until the baked goods were done. Then I put the finish on everything at the same time. 
      I have still been having a good time playing the Sims 4. I decided to build a fancy house, since one of the things I love in the game is building and buying outrageously expensive things. I bought a bath tub the other night that was $12,000 I think. But it was fun. I also made Abby in the game. This Sim Abby actually looks and acts a lot like my real Abby. You can tweak the dogs (and cats) when you create them so they look just how you want. I took my time making Abby. And then I gave her Abby's traits. This Sim dog is very energetic and silly, also a little fearful. Sim Abby is scared of some really strange things. Real Abby was afraid of some really strange things too. It's fun to have Sim Abby. I still miss the real Abby. It's been almost 5 years since she's been gone. 

      Part of getting all of the different food items packaged is deciding how exactly I want them to be. I want them to be useful right out of the bag. The last time I did cookies I did little parchment paper sleeves. This time around I decided to do small paper plates. So I made a big stacks of plates...
     And then sorted all of the food onto them. For anyone wondering, these are large cookies and brownies. The kind of big treat you would get at a fair. And they look really delicious.
      I started working some more on the printable PDF and I discovered something that both bummed me out and also will save me a lot of time, so I am learning to be OK with it. My original plan was to put a small photo of each item, with the price, and a blank space for the claim number. That is turning out to be a nightmare and I can't do it. Well, I CAN do it, but I would have to wait until I had all the items in and do it sort of last minute since I kind of want to have like items groups together. The problem with that is if I make anything new, or stuff comes in the mail, I have to redo the entire catalog to move things around. I have already restarted the thing 5 times and spent hours on it. I don't have that kind of time to waste. I could be making more miniatures. So I decided that I would just make a list, with the price and blank space for the claim number. If I need to change the order, or add something to a group, all I have to do is move the cursor and I can do it. Like magic. So much time will be saved. I am still planning on putting all of the photos and descriptions in a blog post. Though when I upload photos blogger likes to change the order. The order of the sale will be the same as the PDF, but it might be different in the post. 
       So plenty of sale prep is still happening and I am managing to take some time off from working on things to do fun things. It's sort of like balance. Almost.

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