Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Miniatures. Finally.

    It's always an exciting day when miniatures come in the mail! I got these tiny laptops in for the miniatures sale. I have some others coming as well, but these are the ones I have here for now. One of those pink ones might just end up being mine. Because it's pink. 
     The other day I gave some serious thought to working on a couple of hunt seat dolls. I have the bodies prepped and the clothes sewn already, so I am partway to finished with the dolls. But, the miniatures sale is coming up. Even though I do already have LOTS of miniatures, so far I have made very few of them. And I need to change that. So I got to work on some burgers, which are usually a popular item. The problem was it was very warm (it's summer, we don't have AC, you know the drill) and the clay was so soft and sticky. I finally had to start putting the pieces in the freezer for a few minutes between steps just so I could actually make things without just squashing them. 
     Eventually though the burgers progressed. I did still have struggles, but it was not as bad. 
     After a while I had a bunch of burgers and hot dogs and a few peanut butter sandwiches. I might make some more of each type of thing before the sale, but I really don't know if I will get around to it or not. I at least have some, which is more than I had. And it is a few things off of my list. I have a bunch more items to go and I thought of new things to add as well. I am also still hoping that the rest of the miniatures I ordered show up in time. But you just never can tell. 
    So as a reminder, the miniatures sale is coming up on August 15th at 2:00 EDT. I have lost count of how many different types of miniature items I have, but it's a lot. Some things I have a good amount of and some things I have only in extremely limited quantities. Before the sale I am planning on doing a blog post with a full catalog of what I will have to offer, and hopefully I will have a link to a PDF copy that can be printed to pre-shop for things you are interested in trying for. But I still have a lot of work to do. On everything. 

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