Monday, July 27, 2020

Helmets and Hunt Seat Dolls

     I have had a lot of problems with helmets breaking recently. I don't really know what it is, but I suspect it is the brand of polymer clay I have been using. Not all clay is created equally. I found 2 broken helmets while I was unwrapping and tagging dolls for my live sale. I broke a helmet on camera. I sent a couple of dolls to Jennifer and the helmet on that doll broke. To be fair she said the box was pretty mangled and the cowboy hat was also broken. I think I have only had one cowboy hat break in 14 years. So anyway, helmets keep on breaking and I just can't have that. Continuing on with the theme from yesterday's post (maximum effort) I decided I had to go back to helmets that I know for a fact are more durable. They just take longer to make. 
    Super sculpy is amazing. I have dropped these little helmets (not these in particular) and they are usually just fine. Other types of sculpy are definitely more brittle. Making the helmets in black is definitely faster, but if they aren't as sturdy I just have to go the long route. Since I have been making a lot of hunt seat dolls lately, I decided I would make a good batch of helmets. I feel like somewhere down the road this will save me some time. 
     Once the helmets are baked and cooled I paint them and then add a coating of matte nail polish. Not as quick as just making them black to start with, but it works out nicely in the end. I also managed to finish up another hunt seat doll. 
     And my Breyerfest continues. I hear Breyerfest isn't over until all of your loot is home. I got in a bunch more of the stickers I ordered. I think I just have a couple more coming now. They will probably go on my laptop. Or my sewing machine, or my order book. Or all of the things. Stickers are so much fun! I am still hoping for a Mares In Black one. 
     Some days are not super exciting, but I am glad I am still getting things done. And I am still managing to come up with things to talk about. Good times. I really need to hurry up and get moving on making some more miniatures.


  1. I am jealous of your stickers. What a beautiful part of one's Zoom backdrop they could be.

  2. Sue, I got a lot of those stickers from I am not sure if all of them were from hobby artists, but they are all horses, so that is enough for me!

  3. That is a awesome idea! I never thought of making helmets with clay. I will definitely try that!
