Friday, July 24, 2020

It's Good to Have Options

     Over the past year or two Travis has really advanced quite a bit. He is using his words more often and has more of them as well. He will think about what he wants and not just say yes to everything. He has been coming out of his room to hang out with Ethan and asking to go out to different places. At night, most nights, he calls us in to say "I love you". That one is really new. It only took 20 years for him to say it. I still get a little teary eyed every time I hear it. 
     The other day Travis asked for something completely different. Instead of asking to go to any number of random places we have been he asked to go hiking. He came up with an idea of an activity he wanted to do and he verbalized the desire to do it. It didn't matter that it was 90+ degrees and more humid than it had been, he wanted to go hiking. So we went hiking. And yes, Travis wears long pants all summer long. I have bought him shorts and once in a great while I can get him to wear them. But usually he's a pants kind of guy. 
      I still have days where I struggle to get things done, but the day of the hiking I did actually get a lot done, I just didn't finish any dolls. I prepped a bunch of doll bodies. Both black and white dolls, it's good to have options. 

     I got my loot from Breyer. I bought a bunch of things but Kelpie was the only thing I really wanted. I did also get some stablemate sets, but those were for the gray Django. I got some things for my friend and I got some things thinking maybe I might want to keep them. It turns out I want Kelpie and a gray Django. And the Django is in danger of me changing my mind on him at any time. I am sort of brutal with OFs. We have very limited space here so I need to be very particular about what I keep. So currently, I have a bunch of the stablemates from the sets available. I think someone said they might be interested in some of them but I can't remember who said it. I also have Jersey and Orkney available. And another Kelpie. The celebration horse is up for grabs as well. 
     So choices. I was ordering doll hair the other day and I got myself stocked up on all of the colors I was low on that I usually get. And then I saw all of the fun colors. And I could not resist! So I have some really excellent colors of viscose doll hair. No pink, I was sad about that, but maybe I can get that as a custom color. The aqua and the teal are gorgeous! I am really glad I decided to get some fun colors of doll hair. I may start putting on some highlights. Eventually I might even go further than that. It depends what I feel like and what people want. 
     I thought about taking a proper Breyerfest loot photo, but not all of my Breyerfest purchases are here yet and I didn't want to keep things unwrapped which are technically not mine. I opened things up to make sure all their limbs were on, but that was as far as it went. I am happy with what I have decided to keep from Breyer and I am pleased with the things I have coming. It should be a pretty good mail week I think. 

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