Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Mystery in the Mail and Other Stories

     I love getting packages in the mail. It doesn't even much matter what they are, I just love packages. They are way more fun than bills, that's for sure. Recently, I got a mystery in the mail and I have not solved it yet. The package came with a sort of generic business mailing label. I thought that it might be some more of the miniatures I had coming. But when I opened it up there was this pretty blue ring box inside. 
      Hmm, that was odd. I didn't order a ring, though I have had miniatures ship in jewelry boxes before, so I was still thinking maybe miniatures. 
     Except... nope. That is clearly a slim gold ring. That I certainly did not order. And while the tag says 128$ and 1.6g, I feel like the tag is a lie. I may be wrong, but I am fairly certain that fine jewelry comes with a stamp to say what the metal is. I have never heard of there not being a mark. But as I was typing that I got to thinking, I had not actually googled that specific question, so I just did. And apparently there are a lot of reasons a ring might not have a stamp on it. Not a lot of them could apply here. One would be the mark wore away, but that takes 10-40 years of daily use and this ring is new. Another could be it was resized and the jeweler either cut or added to that section to resize and forgot to put the mark back in. The more likely option is it's not from here and came from a place that does not have super strict standards on jewelry markings. Or it could be fake, which is actually what I think. The box is really pretty. 

     The mystery was getting to me a bit. Who sent me that ring? It was clearly addressed to me, so I didn't accidentally open someone else's mail. The name of the sender was cut off so I decided to google the address. And the mystery got weirder. The building is up for sale! So not only do I have a random ring sent to me in the mail, but it is from an address that is for sale. I didn't look into it more to see if I could figure out what type of business it had been. Super weird. I was mentioning the ring to someone and they said maybe I have a secret admirer. If that was the case, they don't know me at all. I don't like yellow gold.

      At some point in the last few days I mentioned my TARDIS bag that I made. I love this bag. I dug it out of the closet so it can be for my doll stuff that I use often (ribbons, crystals, boot making stuff, etc) and it can be organized nicely. This is an incredibly useful bag and I will most likely never make one like this again. Not just the print (I can't get this fabric anymore) but the bag itself. It took a long time to finish. And I just don't like sewing all that much. 
     This bag is technically a medium sized tote bag but it sure does seem bigger on the inside. It has both inner and outer pockets all the way around so should be the ultimate in organization. After it gets washed. It was at the bottom of the closet for awhile and got a bit grubby. 
      The pink handled bag has been my doll bag for a long time. There is absolutely nothing special about it. It's just a cheapy tote bag with pink handles that I can't even remember where I bought it. And soon it will be a completely extra tote bag that will maybe go and live in the back of my car with my other reusable bags. We are still currently not allowed to use reusable bags in Massachusetts. I saw a guy using them at Stop and Shop the other day and I was simultaneously appalled and amused. Some people just don't get it. 
      So there you have it, the mystery in the mail and the story of my TARDIS bag. In case anyone was curious the exploding TARDIS print is about my all time favorite. I made Elecktra a dress out of it. My apron is made out of it. The lining of one of my pencil cases is made out of it. I have a T-shirt with that print on it. Anyway, time to think some more about making dolls. 

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