Saturday, August 15, 2020

Miniatures Sale Leftovers Catalog

     I had struggles with this post. It is incredibly photo heavy and I tried to load them too fast, lol. The different places I load photos from (my phone or my computer) sometimes load them in completely different ways. Originally, this was the live sale catalog post. I felt it was messy because it was not in the order of the PDF and would take way too much work to put it in order. So I redid the catalog post (for at least the 3rd time) and while it still took awhile to do, it worked out a lot better. 
      Anyway, this is what I have left from the miniatures sale. The prices are listed with each item, and the number I have on hand. If you would like to order please email me at with the list of what you would like. I will not be doing orders through any PMs. 
      If you purchased during the live sale, and wanted to add items to your order, you are welcome to. 
Small paper plates set of 5 $2 (have 9)

hot coffee $3 ( have lots left)

iced coffee $3 (have lots left)

Starbucks drink $3 (have lots left

Wine, assorted shapes/colors $2 (have 2)

ice cream, assorted flavors $5 (have a bunch)

Pizza slice $2 (have a bunch)

Danish $2 (13)

Sugar pastry $2 (have a bunch)

BBQ sauce $2 (have 4)

red apple $1 (have 13)

large paper plates, set of 5 $2 (have 13)

Brownie $3 (have 11)

5/8" ceramic plates, pair $3 (have 7 sets)

15/16" ceramic plate pair $3 (have 7 sets)

pair of mugs $3 (have 3)

pair of tiny bowls $1 (have 1)

pair of small food baskets, assorted colors $2 (have 2 sets)

3/4" ceramic flower plates pair $2 (have 5)

7/8" ceramic oval plates pair $3 (have 10)

small wood rolling pin $1 (have 10)

Judge's kit $5 (have 26) 

cake $1 (have a bunch)

Milk $3 (have 5)
french fries $5 (have 5)

water bottle $2 (have a bunch)

chocolate lollipop/cake pop $1 (5)

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