Saturday, August 15, 2020

There Are Still Dolls

      Lynn thought her bareback rider needed a bit more of the orange accent color. So I added a few more flowers to the sash. She was right, this looks better, and balances things some more. I really like how this doll came together. And I don't even like orange. But the touches of orange look really great on this doll. 

      I also worked on a working cowgirl last week. Even with a lot of house work, I managed to get the circus doll and this lady finished. It's not much, but not every week has to be chock full of dolls. And soon enough school will start again. My days will likely be weird once that happens. 
      I am definitely pleased with the progress. I set a goal, to just finish these 2 dolls, and I did it. I didn't make myself work to complete exhaustion every day. Though with the work on the house, some days were incredibly exhausting. 
     I heard from my principal the other day, so I know what my assignment is for this year. I heard from the SPED director of East Longmeadow, so I know that the gen-ed kids are not in school, but Travis can be because he is high-need. Less people means safer, so that is good. But I don't yet know if he will have a 5 day a week schedule. Everything is still very weird and up in the air. Which is stressful. But I finished my dolls. I finished my miniatures. I survived. I'll just keep on picking away at things and figure it out as I go along. I don't really have any other option after all. 

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