Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Sims and First World Problems

      A while back I was bummed to find out that blogger had changed their format. I am OK with change, when it makes sense. Changing the blogger format didn't make any sense to me. It is supposed to be better for viewing on mobile, and maybe it is if you are just reading the posts. But when you are writing and scheduling posts, it does not appear to be easier on a mobile device. I was really happy to discover that it was possible to switch back to the Legacy format. It's the one I am used to and the one that makes sense to me. It shows with posts have been published, which are scheduled and which are in draft. Easy. A few days ago I went to work on a post and I saw that I had again been switched to the new format. Worse than that there was a note that said Legacy would be available until August 24th. Poop. We will not be allowed to keep the old format after all. That sucks. I still load most of the photos for the posts on my cell phone, because I take the photos with my cell phone and it is still easier to just load pics into a post from the phone instead of plugging the phone in and uploading photos to the computer. I know this is the ultimate in first world problems, but it is what I am choosing to complain about at the moment. 
     In general things have been going well and I don't have much that I choose to complain about. Ethan and I have been doing a lot more work on the house, and while it is hard work and leaves me very sore at times, most of the time things go very well. I like when things go well and when things get done. 
     I also have still been enjoying playing my Sims game. Recently, one of my elderly Sims died. The Grimm Reaper came to take her and he stayed to hang out and watch TV. The rest of the occupants of the house were really sad for awhile, mostly this guy that was with her when she died and, not surprisingly, her husband. 

      But she came to visit and they hung out and danced together. The Sims is a very interesting game full of a lot of very silly things. But I certainly enjoy it. 
      One of the hobby items is a woodworking table. I found out that the Sims can sculpt model horses. I had a smallish room that I built into the house design that I didn't quite know what to do with. Clearly, that meant I needed to make it into a model horse room. I have 2 other tables for horses, and I HAD more horses, but the game froze at one point (it does that once in awhile) and I had to do a hard restart and I lost my progress. Time to get back into making Sim model horses...
     I have not been just helping with work on the house and playing the Sims, though that is a lot of what I have done lately. I got back into bits and pieces of doll work. I painted the helmets I baked and I got several sets of hands painted for hunt seat gloves as well. I modified several faces so when I get them painted they will be African American dolls. The popularity of them has not waned and I get more orders for black riders than anything else at this point. Not tons more, but more than 50% for sure. I will keep on working on having other races of doll riders as well. Sooner or later the model horse show rings will be very diverse. Then perhaps life will learn to imitate art. That happens sometimes. 
        In my continued mask sewing I have been working on making Travis some more masks as well. He picked out this really cool skulls and roses fabric and he seems very pleased with this new mask. I don't blame him, it's a really cool mask! I have one in this fabric prepped for myself. I have a lot of masks because I keep finding more material I like. This design sews up pretty quickly and is incredibly comfortable. So I guess I will keep on making more. 
      I got in my new saddle made by Mandy Claussen. When I ordered it I asked if she could leave me open space so I could add swarovski crystals to it. She agreed and made me this beautiful saddle. Now I just need to wait for the crystals to come in that will match the bridle I got from Danielle Hart. Then I need to bling the saddle, make a doll and a saddle pad and Purdy Zippin Chick will be ready to show! I do own tack and could have shown her in something I already have. But that would not have been nearly as fun. Or labor intensive. 
     So anyway, we will be stuck with new blogger eventually so I am trying to see if I can get used to it. The good news is that drafts still show as draft when you are looking at your post list on a computer. Scheduled posts don't say scheduled anymore (*edit* after I scheduled this post I was looking at my post list and it DOES say scheduled on posts that are not live yet), but they have no page views so I guess that is something. I don't love the new blogger but I guess I have to learn to live with it. I'll keep posting, keep working on the house and dolls and eventually things will get finished and I will get used to the new format. Because it's not really that big of a deal I guess. 


  1. Have you ever made your own tack?

  2. I have made my own tack. The very first live show I entered was with a western saddle I made myself.

  3. I like the new, expanded stats, but I strongly dislike the New Post screen. I'll get used to it eventually, I'm sure, but there's going to be a lot of frustration in the short term.
