Friday, July 31, 2020

When Projects Go Well

         I try not to get overly political on my blog, or in general, partially because arguing back and forth with people on the Internet holds no fascination for me. I will admit, way back in February I was one of the people that said foolish things like "the flu kills more people each year". However I am also one of those people who can gather new facts and have a change of opinion. Some people are so convinced of their one way of thinking that they can't even begin to consider any other options or ideas. That is really why I have no interest in fighting with people over the Internet. I might as well beat my head against the wall and hope for change. 
         A lot of people have seen one, or many, conspiracy theories and are convinced that COVID-19 is no big deal. Maybe they live in a state/county that has not been hit particularly hard (yet). Maybe they really have that attitude that the whole thing is made up because they don't personally know anyone who has had it or has died from it. I personally know people who have had it and people who have had loved ones die from it. Even before that though I knew it was a big deal. Because science. 
       That brings me to face masks and the urine test. I have seen this particular chart many times and while it is amusing (and gross) at the same time it does demonstrate the effectiveness of a cloth mask. Feel free to blow it up and have a closer look. I appreciate not being peed on. Just as I appreciate anyone who wears a mask so I don't get their spew on me. And I will continue to wear my mask (which I did when it was a recommendation and not a mandate) because of manners. My parents raised me to be polite. Sometimes I don't know why. 

      Anyway, we were out near Crystal's house the other day and I dropped off some things I had in the back of my car for her. I also modeled the new fitted (not pleated) face masks and she liked them. We got to have a video call later that night, which was a way longer visit than the 2 minutes (less I think) that I got to see her from her driveway. I made a variety of masks for Crystal and her mom. Being fully aware that these cloth masks are cute and will not stop anyone from getting COVID-19. They will stop the droplets from traveling as far from your body, which may or may not have virus. You just can't know. So wear a mask. If everyone does, no one gets wet. I'm into that. Anyway, masks have been a very polarizing subject among a world filled with many polarizing subjects. And really, wearing a mask is not about you protecting yourself, I know that. It is about protecting the people around you. It seems no matter how many times that is said a lot of people will focus on the fact that it does little to nothing for them. Step out of your bubble and think of the people around you. 
     I had a couple of hunt seat dolls I needed to make and it felt like it took forever for me to get to them. I don't think it actually did, but it felt like it for sure. I had bits and pieces of them done for awhile but never got back to even just picking away at them. Just lazy I guess. 
     I did eventually get this lady done. She has lighter breeches than I usually do, because I was asked for light breeches. Conveniently, I had this fabric hanging around for awhile. This was one of the ones I ordered from Spoonflower when I was in desperate need of fabric for breeches. I even already had the pieces cut to make this pair, not that it made me finish the doll any faster. 
     This lady also got finished. She is a duplicate of the doll that I thought was left after my live sale. And again, it seemed to take forever for me to finish her. She's a hunt seat doll, they are not that hard to do.
     I got some more miniatures in for the miniatures sale, and I'm pretty excited about them. I have more bottles of Jack Daniels, because I only had 4, and I have milk and paint sets. I need to bag these items and get them inventoried still, but I am excited they are here. I am still hoping all the other things will arrive on time as well. Though I have no idea if they will or not. 
     Ethan and I got some more important housework done. We still have a long way to go but we are making progress. The decision to just tear it all down and rebuild (parts, not the whole house, lol) has been a really great choice. It is so much easier, and less gross, than trying to patch up old stuff. So work continues. It seems never ending, but we are actually getting somewhere. 
     I have gotten a bunch of other small doll related things finished as well. I modified several more heads and got them painted. Black riders have become so popular! I love it! I also painted hands to match because at this point I am down to only have white dolls again. And they are not any healthy shade of white, lol. So my next trick is to figure out how to replicate pale skin tones and not have them look ghostly. I don't possess these skills. Grr. 


  1. Anne:

    I am a long time fan of your blog! I am really looking forward to your miniatures sales --hoping I 'll be able snag something for once!

    Just one thing about your dolls (and I *hope* you won't be offended--because it's not intended to be offensive---more of an observation/suggestion??) -but when you make up your black dolls, is there any way that you could paint them with *lighter* skin tones? Not all African Americans are dark complexed!

    (I had a friend once view your post with a black rider in it--or maybe it was someone's else blog but I was showing her how the hobby was becoming more diverse and her comment was "What's with the skin tone? We ain't all that dark! We're more "rainbow" hued of all people in the human race!" Like I said, I'm not trying to be offensive but the comment kinda made us both chuckle! However, she was really impressed!

    Face masks-uugghh--I don't know where your hobby social circle extends but it's *too Bad* that you can't post that PEE chart on some of the blogs/threads that are out there! Maybe some of the "no-wayers" would get the point on how the mask DO help with prevention? (Hopefully, we won't have to wear them forever!) But --you're RIGHT not to get involved, too! If you DID express your "god-given" right to your personal opinion (complete with science facts and statistics), *someone* would argue with ya!

    I STAND with you on this point, ANNE--as I have acquaintances who have been affected by this COVID virus (either loss of friends or family!) It *shouldn't* be political! If you *haven't* been ill yourself, how HARD is it to be RESPECTFUL of others??

    1. I have actually done black riders in about 5 different skin tones at this point, both lighter and darker. I don’t do white riders in that many shades, lol.

  2. It's hard to get miniatures in scale. Whiskey bigger than milk made me laugh about drinking priorities.
