Wednesday, October 21, 2020


      The fall colors are getting pretty intense. I have been noticing so many amazing trees, but I am usually driving and can't take photos. But the other day I was conveniently at a stoplight right around the corner from my house. There are some really fantastically colored trees on the corner. 

      I needed to get the mail so I came in at the other end of the park. I stopped at the end of the road and got this picture of a neighbor's yard. Now I need to see about getting a valley photo. We are in a valley after all. And there are places that you can see pretty far on clear days. It might be time to go and visit the scenic area off the side of the highway. Seriously, it is a parking lot right on the side of the highway, on the side of a mountain, where you can get a really nice view. 
       I do still make dolls, though I know sometimes it is hard to tell. I have been working on a batch of dolls for my next live sale and I managed to finish up all of these. And then I just never got around to taking a photo of them. I have one more that is nearly complete but I needed to order some more hats. So she will be done soon. I also have the clothes cut and sewn for one more western pleasure doll and I think I have a body prepped. I have a few order dolls that I need to make as well. But I am a little bit tired and may need a small break. I had a busy beginning of the week and no time for dolling. When that happens my motivation sometimes disappears for the week. It can definitely be a struggle. 
     Our weather has been very flip floppy, which is typical for New England at any time of year. It was 37 when I got up on Monday and then 52 when I got up on Tuesday. That is not the wildest swing, but it is not easing in to anything. The rest of the 10 day forecast is a bit iffy. Hopefully I can stay warm and get some more dolls finished. 

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