Tuesday, October 20, 2020


              My goal for the Field of Dolls Online show was to have a ton of cool prizes. The issue I had when I ordered the rosettes was counting. Which was actually an issue I had during the first live show that I held. For the live show I thought I had enough judge's sheets, but I had forgotten to multiply the needed number by 2 (breed and workmanship/collectability). So I had to run out to Staples and make some photo copies. For my online show I wanted mini rosettes for the specialty classes. But when I ordered them I had forgotten that I was having those classes judged separately by all 3 judges. Oops. Not enough rosettes meant placing another order. And placing another order meant I contacted Cassie, the shop owner of The Winner's Circle, and asked about a custom order. She did a mock-up of the design I asked for and I ended up with some beautiful overall shower rosettes. These will go with the certificates for the dolls that the overall shower will win. The popular vote was for a choice in doll, so that is what I went with. At this point it looks like I am 100% donating the dolls, I need to stop buying prizes. 

        But before I stopped buying I got enough mini rosettes for all of the specialty classes. I love these mini rosettes. 
      And before I stopped buying prizes I cleared out another Walmart of their blind bag unicorns. I have managed not to open any of these and plan to leave them as a surprise for the winners. It is entirely possible someone will get one of the rarer pieces as a prize. 
      I am hoping that we will have lots of entrants for the show. There is still plenty of time, and there are plenty of prizes to go around! I am still accepting any and all donations. I am hoping that this show will be completely amazing!


  1. Those custom rosettes are darling! My goal is to get a horse in every class (except maybe saddleseat - I have no saddleseat tack...)

  2. I share Danielle's goal, without the Saddleseat exception. :)
