Friday, October 23, 2020

Larry is Awesome

        I got a couple of beautiful PTDs in the mail the other day. That stands for Pony Transportation Device. They are absolutely stunning and were made by my friend, Larry Nichols of Nicholane Farm. Larry does amazing work and I have been lucky enough to win several PTDs that he has donated to shows over the years. 

      I also was super excited to see that the doll on his business card is one that I made! How fun is that? These PTDs will be prizes at the Field of Dolls Online show. Entry is open now and will continue through November 20th. Thank you Larry for the beautiful donation!
      Kayla had a good mail day as well. Her hoodie that I ordered showed up and she decided to try it on and see how she liked it. Do you know how easy it is to put on a hoodie if you can take off your hands and your head? Pretty easy.
      Kayla has some new sunglasses as well. I actually have a pair a lot like this, only mine are larger and have crystals on them. Kayla got hers from another Barbie set. 
       I think she is looking pretty ready for Fall now. I was so into taking cool pictures of my doll that I did what all of us do when photographing our small things, I sat right down in the grass to get a better shot. And the grass is a bit long and a bit damp. Well, the photo is cool so I guess it was worth it. 
      I am currently judging the Mares in Black Spooktacular Photo show halter classes. It is the most unusual class list I have ever judged. But it is definitely not boring. I was really concerned at the size of some of the classes (250 in the first one!) but I figured out some tricks that make it easier. And soon I will be done and soon enough it will be the results live stream/party! I'm so excited!


  1. PTDs! What a clever name! And they look like they are beautifully done.

  2. Finally she's warm. Let winter come!

  3. The picture of her standing in front of the white wall I was utterly convinced that was a person to start out.
