Friday, October 2, 2020

More Prizes!

        I go through phases where I am concerned there won't be enough prizes for my online show (I want everyone who enters to get at least something!) and I need to remind myself that I can't go and spend thousands of dollars buying prizes. It is a struggle, because I really want to go and get a ton of prizes. Anyway, I am trying to remind myself that it is still a long time until the show and that donations might come in. On Wednesday I got another group of donations. These were made by Jamie Choe of Horse Models Galore. On the back is the address of her blog so I went to check it out right away. 

      I just have to say, Jamie has some SERIOUS skills. I read a couple of posts and looked at some of the things she has made and I feel like she is going to be a creative force in this hobby! She currently has an English tack set on Etsy that looks pretty nice. I think the pads and halters she donated are going to be door prizes. I was super excited to receive this package of donations. Thank you SO much Jamie!
     While I was writing up this post Sara Bowman sent me a message about her endurance set she has been working on. I love how this is all coming together! Maybe some day Sara and I will be at the same show and can set up our endurance sets together. One very teal and one very pink. I think that would be great!

      Since I apparently can't count I need to put in another order for miniature rosettes. I am working with the shop owner to come up with some really spectacular, really special rosettes for the overall prizes. I am definitely getting excited for the show! You still have plenty of time to get photos and enter. Entry doesn't officially open until November 1st. The albums will not even exist on SmugMug before that. And again, any and all donations are welcome!
     I feel like yesterday's post has confused some people. I have had a date for my Online show for a while now. I did a post about it on September 8th. The show I was talking about that the beginning of Yesterday's blog was my dream destination show. I have no idea when or if that one will happen. But the Field of Dolls Online show is DEFINITELY happening. It officially opens on November 1st for entries and I am working on collecting prizes right now. 

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