Thursday, October 1, 2020


      For a long time I have been thinking of holding an epic destination show. A lot of things about that can't happen at the moment, even if we were not in the middle of a pandemic, but I have been putting down ideas as they come to me. And even though I can't hold a destination show, I can hold an online show with some things that are different from usual shows. 

     I got a ton of inspiration from The Jennifer Show. I definitely liked the idea of having an actual prize for each placing. Mine are instead of any ribbons. So 1st through 6th place will receive color coded miniatures. 

      Champion and reserve in each traditional performance division, both OF and AR/CM will receive traditional colored champ and reserve rosettes. Miniature ones. For the special performance classes I have miniature rosettes for each class placing. And I honestly can't remember exactly what I had in mind when I ordered so many of the miniature pink rosettes. I believe they were for overall prizes... but the count doesn't make sense. I am sure at least SOME of them will be for overall prizes. Maybe some will be saved for another show. I might do it again. I think some of them were also meant as champ and reserve rosettes for the special performance division. 
     Lynn Isenbarger donated these lovely Haversacks with the show name embroidered on them. I am leaning towards door prizes for these because I would really love to be able to offer LOTS of door prizes!
    Along those lines I pulled out the rest of the horses I was trying to sell from Breyerfest and donated them to my show. I am pretty sure these are also going to be door prizes. I made a lot of miniature packages awhile back and I pulled out some of them to donate to the show. I will likely make more as well. 
     A couple of days ago I put in an order for more stuff from HandcraftedbyKari on etsy. I like her stuff and I am sure eventually I will add more of it to my own collection. I am also still making some dolls as overall prizes. For now I am going to try to keep myself in check and not order millions of prizes. I would LOVE to offer a ton of prizes but I likely won't get enough entries to cover thousands of dollars of prizes. Gonna rein it in a bit. Maybe. 
     On that note, if you would like to donate to the show I am gladly accepting donations. They will be featured in blog posts and on the show page on Facebook. Entries open on November 1st so you still have LOTS of time to take your photos. Happy showing!


  1. At this point in my hobby life, I have no interest in full size ribbons. However, I will throw down for 1:9 scale ribbons! Your show looks amazing. I will do my best to win some of those great prizes.

    P.S. I have some prizes to donate, too.

  2. 💗 Love. You are so awesome. A lot of great ideas. If you find a date lmk. I can try to donate. :)

  3. Thank you so much for the shout-out for my shop! Your order is going out monday but don't be too surprised if you get a package from me sooner. I may have decided to send a prize donation :)
