Wednesday, November 4, 2020


     I have actually been working on dolls, even if I don't end up talking about them as often as I probably could. Instead of doing some in progress pics (which often show the incredibly ugly stages of a doll) I have been just working on them and not stopping. Sometimes I can get a lot more done if I just stay in the groove. Last week I managed to get several dolls finished, but I have not gotten around to sharing them. 

     I have this casual doll in a hoodie and jeans. She is not the first and won't be the last. I have another coming up and I have been thinking for a while that I want one as well. I have not done a hoodie in pink yet after all. 

      I also finished up this western pleasure lady. The design is loosely based off a real design. I like it and I think it worked out well. 
      I also finished up another casual lady. I don't do blue eyes very often (brown is just easier and my go-to color) but I think they look nice on her. With this particular outfit the doll will be incredibly versatile for many types of entries. 
      The other day I was semi-concerned that I would not really have enough entries for the Field of Dolls Online shows to cover all of the shipping and prizes without going out of pocket (even with several donations, including Susan's incredibly generous one). Then it occurred to me that even though it felt like I had advertised a lot, maybe I had not. So I posted on many regional pages on Facebook and a good number of people asked to join the Field of Dolls Online show page. That is a good start. You still have time to enter the show and upload photos. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with, especially for the specialty classes!

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