Thursday, November 5, 2020

Did I Mention, there are prizes?

      I get a kick out getting packages in the mail. Often they are supplies to make dolls, but that doesn't change the fact that I love getting packages in the mail. Recently I have been getting even more packages than I usually get. The Field of Dolls Online show is going to have mountains of prizes! And I love it!
      I got in the group of horse blankets, saddle pad and dog item set from Kathy Wood. I have a couple of horse blankets she made that I got during Breyerfest. I love them! These may end up as door prizes, I have not yet decided. 

     Next was a small group of items I ordered from an RC car place. A couple of small coolers and fire extinguishers. Definitely good to have around the barn. 
     I got some more PTDs from Larry Nichols and some My Little Pony masks. He said I could keep the masks or use them as prizes. I kept the unicorn print that matches the PTDs but I do have tons of masks so I am letting go of the MLP ones. They are super cute and super well made. 
    Christina Riley donated this trio of medallions. I believe she ordered them for her online show she recently held, but they didn't arrive in time. They are wonderful!
     Lastly I received another group of mini items from Michelle of Rockin W Ranch Hobbies (she has a page on Facebook). I love the little safety guys! They are so cute! These may end up with the tiny tables she sent as a group prize. Perhaps another door prize. Again, I have not totally decided on the way all of the prizes will be awarded. I have time. 
      Entries to Field of Dolls Online show are open until November 20th. That is also the last day for uploading photos to SmugMug. There is a huge variety of class, both OF and AR/CM and creative scene classes. TONS of prizes and a livestream for some of the results (on December 5th). Happy Showing! For a ridiculous amount of details on the show click here.

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