Saturday, November 14, 2020

Letters Home- Barn Tour

      Continuing Little Elecktra's adventures in Indiana with Lynn Isenbarger, she wrote to me about all of the cool stuff they saw in the barn and barn office. 

     Hi Mom!

        I told you yesterday that we did so much more on the farm, but I just didn't have time to get it all down in one letter. Today I want to tell you about the stuff we saw in the barn. First we went to see the antique vehicles. They were so nice. Little Lynn and I had fun playing on the paddy wagon. 

We also hung out on the family buggy. There were others as well. I really liked them. 
     After we saw the antique vehicles we went to play with tack. I can't help it, I like to climb things. But you know that already. I wish you weren't afraid of heights. Then we could go rock climbing together.
     After we climbed for a while, Little Lynn and I took a break on one of the saddles. Lynn really is so great to talk to!
     We also got to play around on Lynn's saddle, which is kept in Tim's office. We really should go riding again sometime mom, it's been forever!
     Tim has a cool collection of antique typewriters. WAY older than the old electric one I had when I was a kid. I think these are also much older than Memere's typewriter. I prefer to do my typing on a computer, as you know, but these were fun to play around with. 
    Tim had this funny little outhouse. It's also a mousetrap. I saw the sign on it that says "Do not open" and I just had to do it! It reminded me of the time at Old Sturbridge Village when Travis read the "Do not touch" sign on the antique dresser and promptly reached out and poked it! That was so funny! I think he took it as a dare.
    Tim also had some little cowboy carvings on his desk. This one reminded me so much of Papa I had to give him a little kiss. I miss him so much. 
      There was so much to explore in the barn and the office and Little Lynn and I had a great time. I had already had so much fun but there was more to come. I will tell you about it soon! 

         Elecktra is clearly having a blast in Indiana. I definitely need to figure out a way to get out there to visit Lynn myself. I am looking forward to seeing what else she got to do!


  1. Big Lynn and Little Lynn say the you are welcome any time!

  2. There has to be a pun in rock-climbing with harness, but I haven't pinned it down yet.
