Friday, November 13, 2020

Letters Home

      A few weeks ago I was chatting with my friend, Lynn Isenbarger, and we were talking about photo shows. Most likely mine in particular. Lynn was the second person to enter the show so was a supporter right from the start. When she mentioned that she wished she would be able to enter more photos, but didn't have the tack to do them, I said she could borrow some of mine. I don't have time to use it at the moment anyway. I sent Lynn lots of photos of my tack and asked what about dolls? At first Lynn tried to refuse the offer of dolls, but I insisted. Her photo shoots look like they were fun!
     Jennifer Buxton commented on Lynn's post saying that maybe Little Elecktra would like to come to Colorado. Well that sounds like a great idea! But before she heads out Lynn took Little Elecktra, and Little Lynn, to the farm. And Little Elecktra wrote me a letter about her adventures.

Hi Mom!
      Staying with Lynn has been amazing! Lynn brought me and Little Lynn out to the farm to meet the horses. It was like a dream! Here is a picture of Lynn and I getting some treats for the horses. I was so excited!

     We went out to the pasture and met Abby and Sultanna. Big Lynn is right, they are bigger than they look in most of her photos. The horses were very cool and we got to give them treats and help out a bit. I loved it! I have lots more photos but I want to tell you more about the day, I will share them another time. 
    Little Lynn and I had a really nice time hanging out in the hay loft. She dared me to jump down into the hay. At first I was a little scared but she promised the hay would be a nice soft landing. I know that Lynn would not steer me wrong so I jumped. What an exhilarating experience! I had to try it several more times!
      After a while I was tired and we just hung out in the hay and talked. I am having such a good time visiting Indiana! You really need to come out here sometime. 
     There were these ginormous bird feeders at the farm and I could not help myself, I had to climb them. What an excellent view from the top!
      Big Lynn made sure we buckled up before we headed home. She has been an excellent hostess and made me feel very welcome and at home. Little Lynn might just be my new best friend!
       Here are Little Lynn and I seeing off your tack before it headed home to you. Lynn said she wrapped everything carefully so it would be safe. I am going to hang out here for a bit longer and then go have some more adventures. 

      There is so much more we saw at the farm but I think that is enough for one letter. I will share more with you soon!
       Little Elecktra

     Thank you Lynn for taking such good care of my Elecktra doll and for unknowingly giving me the idea for this series with your series of Letters from Pepper. All of the photos in this post were taken by Lynn and are shared with her permission. I will be doing more of these posts in the future. I have a fun plan in store!


  1. Little Lynn had a blast having Elecktra visit, and so did Big Lynn, too!

  2. Now I know. This makes me want to go and visit Lynn again!

  3. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who makes up stories as if they (the models/dolls) were real. I can really confuse my dad when I start talking about my 2012 Breyer Flagship model, Lionheart, like he's a real horse - he's the biggest stinker in my entire herd!
