Friday, April 9, 2021

An Annual Event

     There are things that happen every year. Birthdays, anniversaries, and many other things. What I never expected to be an annual event was making Dorothy rider dolls. And yet, here we are. 
      When I was asked to make a (headless) Dorothy doll this year, I went and looked for things that I used for the last Dorothy doll. And while it would have been easy to Google "Dorothy" (which I also did) It was easy to grab a screenshot of the last Dorothy doll I made. For one thing, I could make sure to make her a bit different. And I could also see how I put the doll together. But when I checked the photo I saw that I finished the doll on April 7, 2020. And I was working on the 2021 Dorothy doll at the beginning of April. 
     Clearly, I HAD to finish headless Dorothy on April 7, 2021. Which I did. Though it is still too recent to say anything other than Wednesday (check the calendar, same day, one year later!). There are certainly differences between 2020 Dorothy and 2021 Dorothy. Other than the glaringly obvious lack of head on the new one. Last year Dorothy had a bit shorter skirt, and I made it in a somewhat different way. This year I also did different boots, though they are hard to see in this photo. The overall design is similar, it's Dorothy after all, but they are far from identical. And it amuses me to a huge degree that I finished the "same" doll on the same day, 2 years in a row. I wonder what next year's Dorothy doll will look like...

      Did I ever mention that one year when Travis was in preschool he insisted we watch The Wizard of Oz every single day for a year? That is a lot of Wizard of Oz. I stopped actually watching it after the first handful of times, but I can probably tell you where every single weird mistake is in the movie. I could also probably recite the movie from memory (our house is small, I could hear it no matter where I was), but preschool was a long time ago, maybe I have forgotten some of it. Anyway, I don't hate The Wizard of Oz, but I doubt I will ever voluntarily watch it again. 
      Today is the absolute LAST day to enter and upload photos for the Field of Dolls Online Spring show. The login info is displayed on the screen when you submit your form. I am going to Boston today and may not be able to check messages much or send out the login if you forgot to check it. 
     If you entered the show and did not pay your entry fee, this is your last day to pay. Tomorrow any entries that were received without payment will be removed from the show and barred from entering future shows. I don't want to be mean but I don't want to be taken advantage of. It also makes extra work for me having to go through every photo to make sure they are all paid entries. 
     One last thing, make sure all of the needed info is on your photos! Horse name, breed, owner name and (optional) link to documentation. Not every photo needs documentation but often it can help your entry. If the basic info is missing the photo cannot be judged. I don't have time to try to figure out that stuff after. This show is A LOT of work, and I have very limited "free time" (lol, what's that???). I will be locking the show (ie, changing the password) sometime tomorrow morning after I get up. You have until then to finish uploading. I will also create and post a link to view the show so people can see all the fun entries! Happy Showing!

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